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Peckoltia sp. (L140)

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 07:26
by Rudolf Caers
In Aquaristik fachmagzine 2002 NR 163 was Peckoltia sp. (L140) and also L15/L140/L209/L214/L211/L295 L243/LDA 61/ LDA 62/LDA 86 describe as a synonym from Peckoltia vittata
please, delete this species

Re: Peckoltia sp. (L140)

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 07:40
by Borbi

I. Seidel (Aquaristik Fachmagazin) as well as W. Lechner & A. Werner (Datz) discussed this issue while reviewing the Armbruster revision of Peckoltia (Zootaxa). They put forth good reasons to consider most of the species named as different varieties in the least, more likely valid species. As I see no new evidence pointing in other directions, I would consider this an unwise move.

Once more, your information is clearly outdated.

Note also that L 243/LDA86 is not even a Peckoltia species (sensu stricto) but an "Ancistomus" type of fish.

Cheers, Sandor

P.S.: For detailed references, if required, I would have to come back later the day.

Re: Peckoltia sp. (L140)

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 11:09
by MatsP
Can you please be quite careful when trying to lump species together. There are USUALLY a good reason why something on Planet Catfish is considered difference species. As a general rule, if some species is described from a particular region, then anything that isn't from that particular region (e.g. a different river) should be very carefully considered before it is lumped into the same species. In the case of this long list of L-numbers, I'm quite confident that the wide distribution of them indicate that they are different species.

If anything, I think sometimes Planet Catfish is a bit too generous with it's lumping (e.g. L75/L124/L301) - this may well be defined as the same species, but they are definitely different populations.


Re: Peckoltia sp. (L140)

Posted: 07 Jul 2010, 15:31
by Jools
Indeed, Rudolph, look at the extra work you are causing...
