As I said in my earlier post in "Whats my catfish" "My new L129" (witch they aren't, they are L340), my L340 have started spawning this morning. Found them together in a cave.
The male is absolute frantic and flying in and out of the cave, fibrating like hell and fanning like crazy Trying to impress his female to lay eggs.
They didn't apear to mind that I staid to watch them and could even make a picture and a film of there activity
Here are 2 more pictures. I have taken them just now when feeding the other fish.
By now the female has turned around. My guess is that she is laying her eggs??
Never seen this before with my other fish. I find it quite exiting
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 15:24
by jac
Today things went wrong Don't know what exactly but never mind. Practice makes perfect
Better luck next time.
Male had left the cave and the eggs were outside. Only one egg still left. Could he have eaten the others?
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 17:21
by andy75
I had the exact same happen to me, the photo with one egg, surrounding with clear sacs, does that mean the males eating them?
Does anyone know what this is?
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 22:39
by MatsP
Sorry to hear. Hope your next spawn is better.
I don't know what causes this, but the first spawn of many Loricariidae tend to go wrong - the parent's aren't very "practiced".
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 17:41
by nvcichlids
jac wrote:By now the female has turned around. My guess is that she is laying her eggs??
Never seen this before with my other fish. I find it quite exiting
My L127's do the same thing, once I see her turned around, I know I have eggs!
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 19 Jun 2010, 18:59
by jac
Up to today the remaining egg is still surviving. Hope it turns into a wiggler
nvcichlids wrote:
My L127's do the same thing, once I see her turned around, I know I have eggs!
I had never seen this before. Now I also know if I do see this again I know what is happening
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 09:29
by jac
The male has company again from an other female
Just wait and see what happens.
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 10:04
by AndrewC
Sometimes fish need a few attempts at spawning to get it right, whereas others take it with no problem.
After another one or two attempts, i'm sure they'll get the hang of it, and you'll have lots of little fry.
Just leave them to it and they'll be fine.
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 12:42
by jac
AndrewC wrote:Jac
Sometimes fish need a few attempts at spawning to get it right, whereas others take it with no problem.
After another one or two attempts, i'm sure they'll get the hang of it, and you'll have lots of little fry.
Just leave them to it and they'll be fine.
I know
But thanks anyway Andrew
Re: Breeding L340
Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 19:59
by jac
This week I had an other spawn of these fish.
They were very strange in their behavior this time. I saw them first together 3 days ago. Things looked absolutely fine, both in the cave male vibrating and fanning. The day after I saw an other male with the same female in the same cave. Later that day that male had left and the female lay wrong way round in the cave facing the entrance. I really thought she was laying her eggs alone what would result in a failled spawn....again.
Than after a hour or so she had left the cave, no eggs. But when I went to feed the fish later that night I saw the first male extremely nervously fanning in the cave. Yes he had eggs, I didn't look but could tell from the movement of his tail (like when the male turns around the eggs). Quietly I fed the fish and left him in peace, it was getting dark so he would feel more relaxed. I thought.....
Yesterday morning I found the eggs all scattered around the bottom and mainly empty shells, just 2 eggs left in the batch. Looked to be unfertile.....not the nice deep yellow/orange color but more pale (not white as in dead).
Is there any hope with these fish?? I have had eggs and fry kicked out before but that was after a few days just when fry start hatching. Never had a male that directly kicks them out. I don't even now if he fertillised the eggs..... He has done this exact same thing a few times now.
What do I do now?? Can anyone help me?