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Pond for sale Pennsylvania

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 19:01
by exasperatus2002
For Sale Preform Pond for sale

I have a kidney shaped preform pond measuring 59" x 30" x 20", in good condition. No holes. I upgraded to a larger pond. I'm selling for $50. pick up only. I live in Allentown PA 18103. Im also willing to trade for a group of fish.

Copadichromis azureus, Otopharynx lithobates (Zimbawe/z-rock), Sciaenochromis fryeri 'Iceberg' (Maleri Is.), Aulonocara ethelwynnae, Aulonocara brevindus, Aulonocara sp. "Chitande Type North", Aulonocara maulana "bicolor”, Aulonocara maylandi, Aulonocara Ngara Flametail, Pundamilia pundamilia Hippo Point ‘Blue Bar’, Pundamilia nyererei, Ptyochromis fischeri, Haplochromis sp. 44, Xystichromis sp. "Dayglow", Asp.Uganda Fire Hap, Harpagochormis Orange Rock Hunter & albino Haplochromis sp. "Ruby Green".
