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L114 breeding

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 22:46
by Cristoffer Forssander
To my suprice... two of my L114 had bred in a temporary tank this week. The amount of fry is amazing!
The female is only 14 cm and the male is over 35 cm. I had a bigger female in another aquarium in mind for him but he seemes to like the small one to....

I lost count of the fry but well over 200 ... amazing for a female that small.... I still have hard to beleve this, but there are no more female in that tank....

I've put them in 5 different plastic breeding boxes untill they absorbed their yolk sac. Then I will move them to a raising tank.

I tried to make some good photos but the plastic box is very blurry so the quality is not the best. I will put up better images then I've moved them to the raising tank!



The male


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 22:49
by MatsP
Great news!

I'm still hoping that my L128 (that I now believe I have one male and one female in the tank - the original "trio" turned out to be ALL males!) and my (L91) will breed.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 02:38
by dconnors
:o Wow, that is really awesome! Very happy for you! :thumbsup:

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 02:51
by PseudaSmart
Congrats! It shows that change can be good. After 2 years of trying my group of L114/L600's finally spawned. I put up a post a few weeks ago with some pics. You had better fortune than me. My group spawned while I was in Brazil and when I got home only 2 had survived from 3 males all wanting to raise the fry in the same cave. We had a large storm last night and it seemed to put them in the mood. Did you have a cave in your temp tank? Again Great Job!! I can only hope to be as fortunate.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 08:24
by AndreasB
Congrats :D :D

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 10:51
by Cristoffer Forssander
Thanks all!

pH is 6,5
Conductivity: 180 uSm
Temperature 28 degrees

I don't have any photos of the smaller feamle but some photos of the large female.
She is over 30 cm.

I use caves that I made and they are 48 cm long, 8 cm in diameter...

They spawned in the cave below. The same cave I used to breed large L240s before. It seemes to be a all time favorite.


Images of the largest female:





Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 13:00
by Janne
Congrats Cristoffer... finally and not surpricing, when they breed they do it when you last expect it :)

Maybe my old big L114's except for the small female??


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 17:20
by 2wheelsx2
Congrats from here also. Very nice batch of eggs. Always nice to see successful home breeding attempts of fish that are bigger since most people breed the smaller species.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 18:46
by Cristoffer Forssander

Janne, they could be you're old ones.... but I'm not sure... Perhaps Daniel Blom has them.
Janne, has any one else in Sweden been breeding this species?

I'm building a bigger aquarium for them at this moment... 1800*75*45 cm ... photos will come up, later on.

2wheelsx2, I have most bigger fishes so there are no "small breeding" here .... :lol:
I've recived a pair of L14 that I will try to breed closer to this winter... perhaps I will be lucky later on too...

We are family.....


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 19:54
by PseudaSmart
Thank you for the info on the cave and your water. Both were very close to my tank. I will keep my tank in the same range and see what happens. Nice family!

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 23:09
by corybrummie2010
Congrats Cristoffer :thumbsup:
Wow! over 200 of these little beauties :shock: :shock: ,good luck on raising the little one and keep us posted how they are getting on.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 10:25
by Griparn
Congrats!!! :D

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 12:19
by discusred
Congrats!!! :thumbsup:

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 23:01
by Janne
Janne, has any one else in Sweden been breeding this species?
What I'm aware of your are the first to breed them in Sweden and problebly one of very few in Europe.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 03:36
by PseudaSmart
Cristoffer, are you having good luck raising the fry? I have heard this can be difficult without the right water flow and airation. You also asked a good question about other aquarium spawns.

Janne, how many others have been able to spawn L114's in North America? Obrigado e
boa noite.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 09:57
by Cristoffer Forssander
likesloaches wrote:Cristoffer, are you having good luck raising the fry? I have heard this can be difficult without the right water flow and airation. You also asked a good question about other aquarium spawns.

Janne, how many others have been able to spawn L114's in North America? Obrigado e
boa noite.

They still have their yolk sac left. I lost two the last days... and the others seemes to be ok. I make 25- 30% water changes everyday.
Perhaps difficulties will come when they are about to feed... I preparing everything in advance... and the tank for the fry are alreday redy.

In total, I lost about 8 fry and some eggs that where attacked by fungus. I provided Methylene blue and that problem where solved.
As I've been learning from other people breeding Pseudacanthicus, a big problem to me, has been not havning some gravel in the breeding boxes, causing bacterias to make the fry blotched and die... I've also had this problem with Leporacanthicus that seemes to be sensetive in a similar way... But I think that the problem is solved with gravel and good supply with air and fresh water.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 09:59
by MatsP
Sorry, but is tat 25-30% water changes, or do you change the water 25-30 times a day? [I'm pretty sure it's the former, but I'd like it to be clear to us all - guessing what someone is doing, and thinking you got it right is always a bad thing].


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 10:25
by Cristoffer Forssander
Of course 25- 30 %.... i wouldn't have the time for 30 times a day... :wink:

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 10 Jun 2010, 22:14
by Cristoffer Forssander
This day I lost one fry and the rest are growing...


Photoblucket has some kind off error so I'm not able to chare more images at the moment, but I will show images of the spawning cave later on...

If they will breed again, I will have new breeding boxes in glas, so I will be able to take clear photos of their development.

I will put up some new images in the end of this week when more things have happend.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 00:26
by PseudaSmart
Great photo and nice work keeping so many alive. If all goes well they should look like this in 2 1/2 weeks.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 00:27
by PseudaSmart
Sorry, I ment Cristoffer!

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 12 Jun 2010, 22:42
by brechtvh

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 14 Jun 2010, 07:34
by Cristoffer Forssander
Jim, Nice looking ones!
My internet is not working at home, way I can't send images at the moment.
But all fry are doing well, I haven't lost a single one.

They are going to be moved to a taising tank soon, possible tonight as their yolk sac almost is absorbed.
I will place them in a 100 liters aquarium the first weeks with good filtration. I hope this works well...

I'll update soon with some more images.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 09:53
by Cristoffer Forssander
Hi again!

All the frys have been moved to a raising tank. I have lost four in totalt and I aspekt very few more losses if no disaster strikes.

I will give you some more update later on... with hopefully better images when they are in the glas aquarium.


I also found out that I have several more in the parents tank, but I will leave them there cuase they seemes to do fine. They stays around the males cave.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 16:58
by 2wheelsx2
Nice looking fry pic regardless. Can't wait for the shots in the glass tank! They're looking good.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 21:57
by Cristoffer Forssander
All the fry are all moved to a raising tank. I hope they will eat today or tomorrow.
I lost one more, but all the rest are doing fine!

I got a quite good shot of one of the frys before I moved them into the other tank.


The female have been resting quite a lot sens the breeding. I cant see any damage on her as I would aspekt, so perhaps the father is a gentlemen


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 16 Jun 2010, 22:18
by Linus_Cello
Congrats on the spawn. You got some nice looking individuals. My largest L114 only has red on the caudal/tail fin, none on the dorsal. (Hopefully my "L600" varieties won't loose the red coloration).

It looks like you have cardinal tetras in the tank. What other dithers do you have? I'm thinking of some Congo and Colombian tetras.

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 10:02
by Cristoffer Forssander
I have just one tetra left... its an old one form a large group I had. I just have red shrimps that the plecos can eat.
I had im mind, getting myself rainbow fishes from australia, cas they can manage the strong current and you can easily breed a new population... but perhaps columbian tetras can manage a strong current to.

I actually looking fore some fish hats works well with plecos. My criterias is that that fish can manage the current and is easy to breed. I had barb fishes befor but they attacs fry in the plastic boxes and bites the tail of the small fry so I put those away....

Perhaps wild guppies is a good choise.


Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 17 Jun 2010, 11:33
by Bas Pels
Apart from the current, I'd also pay attention to waterchemistry. Rainbowfish like hard water (I'm generalizing, I know) while your pleco prefers it soft

If you intend to ignore their origin, you might want to look at asian fish. Danio are fairly easy to breed, and I think they will not mind the temp (Danio is not Brachydanio, Brachydanio prefer it colder). They will enjoy the current, certainly

Re: L114 breeding

Posted: 18 Jun 2010, 23:01
by Cristoffer Forssander
I'm aware of the differences in water types. I would prefer a soth american fish that are easy to breed.

About the L114 so are they starting to eat. I give them dhapnias, brine shrimps, Sera Viformo and Blue Line spiru tabs.
They still look as in the last image so I will wait untill the grow a little but more. I haven't had any more losses so I hope the rest will survive, wich on this case, would be over 200 juveniles.

I haven't find them so sensetive as I heard form others... perhaps I'm lucky.
I change 30% of the water every day and clean the bottom from old fod that they haven't been eating juring the night. I make sure that they always has food whenever they need to feed.
