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Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 14:26
by thijs

Kan Farlowella's be combined with Panaque maccus? I consider combineing them in my 1 meter P. maccus-biotope. According the description Farlowella can not be be combined with larger pleco's, but is P. maccus a bigger species? ( I mean: they are shorter.....but more broad).....

Any experience?


Re: Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 14:30
by MatsP
I haven't kept Farlowella, but I would expect them to keep in their separate areas for the most part - and both are relatively friendly, so I doubt it'd be a problem. They also don't compete for food very much, so that shouldn't cause a problem, as long as you have plenty of wood for the P. maccus.


Re: Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 14:35
by thijs
Okay, time to keep my eyes out for some farlowella vittatus. I hope to post a picture of my tank soon, but the is pretty hard to see through all the wood ;)

And that was a very quick reply, thanks...

Re: Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 07 Jun 2010, 14:42
by MatsP
thijs wrote:Okay, time to keep my eyes out for some farlowella vittatus. I hope to post a picture of my tank soon, but the is pretty hard to see through all the wood ;)
Sounds like my Panaque tank - and when I move the wood about in the tank, it looks like coffee with the coffee-grinds still in the pot...


Re: Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 08 Jun 2010, 23:53
by vanillarum
I have had 2 types of farlos (vitatta and acus) in a tank with the maccus for close to 2 years now and never had a problem. The farlos pretty much keep to themselves, staying hidden among the amazon swords. And the plecos are happy in their wood caves. They are in a 46 gal BF tank, along with some L333s, and an L240. Never had a problem. I, too, am looking for a couple more vitattas. Good luck.

Re: Combining Farlowella and Panaque maccus

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 16:22
by bronzefry
As long as there is ample "swimming" or should I say "hopping" room for the Farlowellas and enough food, they should do okay. I have Farlowellas in with Corydoras trilineatus and the Farlowellas breed regularly.