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World Cup 2010

Posted: 02 Jun 2010, 21:57
by Jools
Gentlefolk that understand the beautiful game,

After a rather exciting Premier League season in our fantasy football league, is there an appetite for a world cup league over the next few weeks? I've done a bit of research and the fifa/mcdonalds league looks quite good?

Any interest? Anyone know a better version to run with?



Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 01:27
by Birger
Oh sure...and what about the less gentler folk, I never saw one for the hockey playoffs :D

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 01:49
by PeterUK
Football ?

Ban it. :thumbsup:

If this ridiculus so called game was banned then the world would be a much better place.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 03:53
by Viktor Jarikov
define "much"? :D :D

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 04:15
by andregurov
I can stumble through an EPL season and look pretty creditable in the end, but World Cup action will prove me for the dilettante I truly am.

Bring it on. :D

Another league I'm part of is using Yahoo!Sports, but your link looks much prettier (kinda like a reverse Big Mac package!).

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 04:33
by racoll
PeterUK wrote:If this ridiculus so called game was banned then the world would be a much better place.
Surely you mean religion! :wink:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 07:25
by wrasse
OMG, don't bring that into it! :roll:

Side question...Does anyone on here have a means of getting tickets for wimbledon?

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 08:34
by Jools
Birger wrote:Oh sure...and what about the less gentler folk, I never saw one for the hockey playoffs :D
You'd be free to post one and see how many folks joined. :-)


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 10:20
by Bas Pels
PeterUK wrote:Football ?

Ban it. :thumbsup:

If this ridiculus so called game was banned then the world would be a much better place.
I can only agree

If I would not see any football in my life, and live for another 100 years, I would still have seen much more of that rubbish than I'd like

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 17:04
by Borbi
Football ?

Ban it. long as you leave Soccer untouched.. :P

Greetings from the winning country,


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 17:16
by Jools
I really don't think Germany will win it, or England for that matter. Despite one of the best players in the world, Argentina look like half a team. For the first time I can remember Brazil have a world class goalkeeper and two defenders that are nearly as good and actually are defenders. The French simply don't deserve to be there. Portugal look good and the Dutch have just about managed to get to a major finals without imploding in a scrum of infighting - so I'd think they'd be there to watch. Serbia for 3rd place! :-)

Anyway, this post was about having a fantasy league and mostly what we've gotten so far is anti-football comment, so perhaps I'll just stick with the one we have for next seasons English league.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 18:09
by Richard B
Spain favourites surely??? Plus for anyone who enjoys a wild flutter...Chile as an outside bet (they topped the SA qualifying group)

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010, 19:39
by Birger
Anyway, this post was about having a fantasy league and mostly what we've gotten so far is anti-football comment, so perhaps I'll just stick with the one we have for next seasons English league.
This is an international site and thats an international tourny, good combo...I am not really up on football (soccer) but I would give it a go.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 02:54
by racoll
I would be interested Jools, but sadly the TV coverage here in NZ is pretty poor, which makes enjoying the matches pretty hard, unless I get up at 6 in the morning and go to some sports bar with Sky. 6am is not a good time for me :wink:

They don't even seem to be that interested here, despite it being the first time they have a team in the finals for God knows how long.

The ball appears to be the wrong shape. :(

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 08:59
by Jools
racoll wrote: They don't even seem to be that interested here, despite it being the first time they have a team in the finals for God knows how long.
Just wait until they meet Australia in the quarters! :-) Not going to happen, sadly...


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 13:28
by Richard B
racoll wrote: but sadly the TV coverage here in NZ is pretty poor, (

Go the ALL WHITES!!! :wink:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 04 Jun 2010, 14:57
by DJ-don
racoll wrote:The ball appears to be the wrong shape. :(
thats the correct way rupert :P



Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 11:55
by Jools
Well, given that those with an abhorrence towards the beautiful game can simply ignore us (and are probably going to have a pretty horrible next month or so anyway), I've gone ahead and created a league...

Code = 550765-119036 access via

If I ever met the winner in real life then I will buy you a drink of your choice. So, it's really just for fun, good luck everyone.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 14:53
by Viktor Jarikov
easy there, Jools... easy... some drink rum or Bordeaux by barrels...

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 09 Jun 2010, 15:29
by Jools
I am sure everyone knows I meant within reason. :-)


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 03:54
by L number Banana
Birger wrote:Oh sure...and what about the less gentler folk, I never saw one for the hockey playoffs :D

You'd be free to post one and see how many folks joined. :-)

I would have been there in a heartbeat. Speaking of heartbeats, goodbye Chris Pronger, congrats to the Hawks :-(
70% Canadians anyway :-)

Back to soccer, Germany all the way! What? no Ballack? Gasp. Lost my beloved Klinsy a while ago. So maybe another darkhorse year?
The Bigger Half has Azuri all over the house. :evil:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 16:22
by bronzefry
McDonalds sponsoring the Fantasy League? What kind of toy do you get with the Happy Meal? :?:

I'm just going to enjoy the action. There's a mish-mash of fans in the area from around the world. Quite interesting watching some of the local pubs get permission to open up at 7:00am and sell coffee and pastries. Taps are closed until 11am. :lol:

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 11 Jun 2010, 23:20
by Jools
The local supermarket has emptied of Budweiser, hot dogs and apple pie. Hmmmm.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010, 03:05
by L number Banana
ew. I gave football fans so much more credit.

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010, 09:40
by Jools
Well, it's American and cheap. The other big selling alternative is Miller Genuine Draft.


Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010, 09:53
by Marc van Arc
Jools wrote:For the first time I can remember Brazil have a world class goalkeeper
I take it you're referring to Gomes, right?

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 12 Jun 2010, 13:06
by Shane
Miller Genuine Draft.
Well at least that is a South African beer! I remember being in South Africa when Bud was awarded the contract for World Cup. My understanding is that nothing but Bud can be legally sold within something like a 3 km radius of any World Cup venue.
That will make for some unhappy South Africans.
(writes Shane as he sips a can of Castle Lager).

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 20 Jun 2010, 15:52
by crkinney
Ok hears my rant.
play ing foot ball the a ball with out points on the ends is weard .it's those horns that ruin the game.
What are Allwhites? I live in the USA we have free speech. but you arn't have anything ALLWHITE it is called raceisum.
And last but not least Budwiser is yellow because ,well figure it out.
have a nice fathers day Ya'll

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 05:43
by L number Banana
play ing foot ball the a ball with out points on the ends is weard .it's those horns that ruin the game.
You could take that a couple of ways, did you mean the horns on those american style footballs, not nice and round like real footballs?
What are Allwhites? I live in the USA we have free speech. but you arn't have anything ALLWHITE it is called raceisum.
Soccer is equal-opportunity, they also have the 'All Blacks'!
And last but not least Budwiser is yellow because ,well figure it out.
Amazing what some marketing did for that 'drink' - refuse to call it beer.
Happy Fathers Days back to all the Fathers and I hope all the little German sons give their daddies trouble for playing so pathetically at our last match.

Did you hear about the guy who was going to eat lobster for dinner but decided to let it watch the German/Italian etc Game before he cooked it? The lobster died of boredom before the game ended.
At least my Orange friends are happy!

Re: World Cup 2010

Posted: 21 Jun 2010, 14:32
by Viktor Jarikov
L # banana! I am amazed how well you appear to understand Crkinney's post! I am ashamed to say I only got maybe 20% of what he was trying to convey in his communication attempt and all of it had to do with the yellow beer, if I am not mistaken, implying the analogy to yellow not-to-be-eaten snow... :D :D :D