Phyllonemus releasing fry?

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Phyllonemus releasing fry?

Post by JCB »

I was wondering when my couple Phyllonemus typus are going to release there fry.

Lex already told me that his animals always caried minimum 4 weeks and maximum 5 weeks. But I`m wondering if anybody has a different experience? And at how many day`s can the fry realy survive outside the parents there mouth? Because I have to move the parent from the show tank and I want to do that only when the fry in there mouth is big enough to survive on there own if the parent release them because of the stres of the moving.
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Re: Phyllonemus releasing fry?

Post by Bas Pels »

I can't answer your question, but I understand you inquire after the viability of the fry without their parents

The first thing which came to my mind was predation: what other fish do you have in the tank?

The second thing was inprenting: if these Phylonemus keep caring for the young, even after the (first?) release of them, can remouving the parents harm the fry?

Again, I can't anser any of these points, but I think these are points to consider too
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Re: Phyllonemus releasing fry?

Post by JCB »

They are in a tank with fish-eaters, and therefore, I'm afraid the fry won't survive a day. My intention is to net the parents a few days before releasing the fry - with the fry. Should the parents release the fry and don`t take them back, I will put them in their own tank.
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Re: Phyllonemus releasing fry?

Post by Birger »

And at how many day`s can the fry realy survive outside the parents there mouth? Because I have to move the parent from the show tank and I want to do that only when the fry in there mouth is big enough to survive on there own if the parent release them because of the stres of the moving.
You could pull them as eggs or newly hatched and the fry would survive...there is only the concern of imprinting, in this case if the fry are nearing term they should be just fine if separated.

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