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Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 21 May 2010, 23:10
by MatsP
I'm not sure exactly how old they are, but the tail has just started showing...


Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 21 May 2010, 23:16
by Suckermouth
Woah, are those little mucus bubbles around each fish?

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 21 May 2010, 23:23
by MatsP
Suckermouth wrote:Woah, are those little mucus bubbles around each fish?
Not so little either. I'd estimate 4-5 mm diameter "bubbles". The "fry" (egg with tail) is about 1.5-2mm diameter.


Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 05:06
by andywoolloo
wow.. really nice. good pictures. I have never ever even heard of that fish before.

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 08:45
by Richard B
Mats - you should enter a report on the CSG BAP.

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 09:05
by grokefish
Cool must be breeding season in the Amazon eh.

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 15:24
by wrasse
Well done Mats.
Maybe transfer some of that water to your other tanks... :thumbsup:

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 18:33
by Carp37
Congratulations Mats :thumbsup:

How did last year's fry do?

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 22 May 2010, 18:45
by MatsP
I've got several fry from last years batch that are approaching "full size". I'll probably put a few up on Auction tomorrow [Martin, don't worry, only two or three, so I'll still have several left].


Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 27 May 2010, 05:24
by cawnov
Wow those eggs have a huge perivitelline space. You should post some pics of different development phases as they grow

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 27 May 2010, 10:12
by MatsP
I have one more set of pictures two days later, and I planned to take some more yesterday, but they were "freeswimming", so not easy to catch - essentially, they are 5mm copies of adults now, and they do move quite a bit during the day. Unfortunately, it looks like I only have something like two fry. There were many more viable eggs - not sure if the fry has "escaped" or perished.


Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 27 May 2010, 19:46
by davidkozak
cool spawn...congratulations!

Re: Another lot of eggs... Centromochlus romani

Posted: 28 May 2010, 12:22
by MatsP
I thought (and posted) that there was only two left. Yesterday, with lights out, I had at least half a dozen little fish doing what the adults do at night. So that's good news. Hopefully a diet of tiny bits of tubifex (from the main tank) and Liquifry Liquid food is suitable to grow them on - it should be better than the food they got when they were breeding in the 4ft tank and I didn't do anything to make them grow!
