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Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

Posted: 04 May 2010, 21:36
by Cento
I just bought a couple of panda cory's for my 10gal planted. I haven't had this one setup too long, and this will be the tanks first summer. Already, even with the heater unplugged, the temp has reached 80F!!

Granted, the air-conditioners haven't been turned on (I live in an apartment where the heater and A/C are controlled by the super), and WHEN they come on, I usually blast it since I hate the heat. But until the end of may (when the A/C's are turned on), this is the scenario. I know a great deal of this problem also has to do with the amount of lighting that I needed for the plants (2 x 23w daylight CFL's), so I don't think there's really that much I can do.

Will these tank raised panda's thrive or even survive?

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!



Re: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

Posted: 04 May 2010, 21:44
by MatsP
As long as the temperature is no more than about 80'F, you are probably OK for some short period (like a few weeks), but the ideal temperature is probably more like 75'F.

Any chance you can lift the lights up a bit, or some such, to reduce the heat buildup in the tank - or swap them for something that likes a bit more heat...


Re: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

Posted: 04 May 2010, 21:56
by Cento
MatsP wrote:As long as the temperature is no more than about 80'F, you are probably OK for some short period (like a few weeks), but the ideal temperature is probably more like 75'F.

Any chance you can lift the lights up a bit, or some such, to reduce the heat buildup in the tank - or swap them for something that likes a bit more heat...

Yeah, I may try jerry-rigging the ballast on rubbers to lift it higher of the canopy glass (its a plain ol' incandescent hood/ballast setup with CFL's swapped in).

As for swapping the cats, I don't think that's a possibility seeing how I don't know anyone who'd take them, and the shops I've contacted don't carry smaller corys (hastatus, habrosus, etc).

I have an internal filter, but I'm planning on getting a small canister filter (a EHEIM 2211 would be great if I can find one). Maybe having the water travel out to a canister sitting on the floor will cool it down a degree or three?

Re: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

Posted: 25 May 2010, 23:42
by Paul Fox
I think they will survive maybe, but not thrive

Re: Can panda's be kept successfully in 80F temp?

Posted: 26 May 2010, 01:01
by matti2uude
I keep a breeding group of 10 panda corries in a tank that's constantly at 82 for the L333 breeders that are in there with them.