syno. brichardi in groups??

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syno. brichardi in groups??

Post by Buddy09 »

Just found out that Syno. Brichardi are available in my area again. I'd like to pick up a couple more to add to the two I already have. Do these guys do well or better in groups or are they solitary fish?? The two I have don't seem to pay a lot of attention to each other, but perhaps they'd behave differently as a small group.....Pricey little buggers, at $50 US each, but I like them and they are a bit unusual, so I may talk myself into a couple more.
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Re: syno. brichardi in groups??

Post by Birger »

Price notwithstanding I would not hesitate to put a larger group together of course that is if you have the tank space for a group.

You have already been keeping two together, which can be risky with syno's it should only be a benefit to have more.

My S. soloni which is another rheophilic syno do well as a group of ten with only minor squabbles so far.

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Re: syno. brichardi in groups??

Post by Richard B »

The more the merrier, providing you can afford them & have space :D
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Re: syno. brichardi in groups??

Post by Buddy09 »

Lost out on the brichardi. By the time I got to the not so LFS...which is 130 miles away in another state, they were sold...OH well, they'll be back another day, hopefully a little closer next time!@!
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