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help on l333 spawning trigger

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 10:12
by plecotac
Hi all, been trying to breed my biggest pair of 333. This pair has bred before in someone elses tank (previous owner)

I hears it is important to bring the temp down to at least 24 degree celcius with a large water change.

I did about 60% water change 2 days ago but the temp did not go down to 24 (was around 25-26) because it is still warm here in Australia with room temp goes around 28-30. Is it safe to use ice blocks I can buy at the shop to lower the temp down a bit more? Most service station sells ice in a pack for party. (safe for human consumption)

Do they need darkness to spawn? I can cover the tank with bed sheet so it's always dark night and day.

Thanks heaps.

Re: help on l333 spawning trigger

Posted: 28 Mar 2010, 11:17
by MatsP
The first and foremost "trigger" is that the fish are in the good spawning condition. What I mean by that is that the female should be REALLY fat with eggs.

Then we have drops in temperature, conductivity ("softer water"), and other environmental triggers.

From what I understand, L333 aren't particularly hard to spawn, but like most of these things, there are factors that are hard to account for (wether changes, feeding, and "body clock" of the fish itself).
