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Zebra Pleco Articles

Posted: 15 Jan 2003, 08:46
by ClayT101
I've posted the following zebra pleco articles on my yahoo briefcase.

In addition, I have posted my own "book" which contains these articles as well as my own little article about sexing zebra plecos. It is in MS word format and in 2 parts.
The book is 44 pages long and is very cool if you have access to a color laser printer.
To get the files go to:


Posted: 15 Jan 2003, 12:16
by zebra_pl*co
Thanks for that one, lots of very helpful things in there, if a little old but very useful in my fishkeeping.
I will do a bit of reading up tonight over this info, as im at work right now.
Many Thanks. :lol:

Posted: 15 Jan 2003, 12:38
by polkadot
Thanks for the articles, they're really good!! :D :D :D

Posted: 16 Jan 2003, 23:28
by Steen
Thanks a lot Clay. I love to read about one of my favorite plec's.

Posted: 17 Jan 2003, 23:32
by ClayT101
Glad I could be of help :D

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 00:30
by der Ingo
I must say that is really great. However, would it be able to post the book in zip format? I have a REALLY slow computer and 3 mb takes at least an hour. Any help is appreciated.

Anyway, thanks for posting the other articles. I have been looking around for them and have not been able to find them................................................................................. ................................................................................

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 02:31
by Chill
I cant logon to it :(

There is no password right?

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 02:38
by Rusty
There was a password, but I removed it because that password could be used maliciously.

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 02:52
by Chill
so the username should do then?

I still can't get in with only the name

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 02:55
by Rusty
You still need the password to get in... You can't get in right now because the password has been edited out of the post.

Posted: 18 Jan 2003, 03:55
by ClayT101
It's not a security risk :P

Thanks for the caution though :)

Posted: 19 Jan 2003, 02:34
by Chill
@der Ingo

There is nothing to save on zipping a .doc file, only 2% or thereabout.

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 05:10
by der Ingo
OK, then. Also, I just noticed that the "book" contains all of the other articles. That would mean the pics too. Would there be a way just to post your article that you wrote? Sorry for being so picky. I would really love to read the article you did................................................................................. ................................................................................

Thanks Clay

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 08:27
by ikan
Thanks for the article. I read it over the weekend and I really enjoyed it. It's an article that I'll keep as a reference.

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 22:21
by ClayT101
Its not really my own work, I just used pictures/figures from other sites (that aren't in english) and described them in english. I will post it in a few minutes.

Posted: 21 Jan 2003, 04:09
by Yann

Because of copyright, I had to edit this Topic!
Clay I have PM you to explain it in detail!

To the other:

If you would like to give a copy of something to someone else do it through private email or private message. Same thing for asking people if they can make you a copy of something!
Hope everyone understand the reason and will accept it!