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Tank too heavy?

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 09:45
by Kotty
Hi I have a 380 litre Rena Calvados tank with rocks in it in my living room. It is about 2" from the wall and unfortunately the joists run in the same direction.

The back is 0.6cm lower than the front due to sagging I think. Anyone ever had this problem before. Will it get worse? The last thing I want is the pressure to crack the glass. Im going to monitor it monthly to see if it deteriorates.

Any views appreciated.


Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 10:04
by RogerMcAllen
What is underneath? I have heard of a few people who have jacked the floor back up and put in lolie columns to support the weight. I think that any sagging you see will only get worse, it is better to head off trouble before it becomes too big of an issue.

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 11:17
by Kotty
floorboards suspended floor

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 11:22
by doctorzeb
Hi there

Joists are usually 16" apart, so if you tak is more than 16" wide, then the best bet might be to move it forward until it is sitting on both joists, that way is will distribute the weigth better. Chance are if it is starting to sag it is only sitting on one joist.

good luck

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 08:32
by Kotty
Im moving it tonight into the garage, what a job its going to be to move it. Have a friend coming round on Sunday who is going to take up my floorboards, and support where the fishtank is going with bricks and cement.

Then I can sleep more easily :)

Posted: 03 Sep 2003, 20:26
by DeLBoD
Save as much of the original water as you can and keep the biological filter in warm water(tank temp).When moving

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 12:47
by Guy
I assume you're on a ground floor or at least on a floor with a poured concrete base?

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 13:22
by Kotty
Moved it all last night, took about 5 hours. Had to do a 50% water change as I was running out of water containers. The plecs weren't too happy about being moved though! And how difficult is it to catch rummy nosed tetra, they are the fastest slippery fish Ive ever laid eyes on...

Well the tank is now in the garage and all fish are still alive :D

Oh yeah, it is on the ground floor.

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 15:02
by Guy
When you're getting the base built up from the ground, cement a plastic membrane over the top blocks. Joists usually rest on wall plates (bits of wood on the edges of the wall or on the blocks raised above ground level). There's usually a plastic membrane between the blocks and the wall plates. It keeps the damp away from the wood. It'll last forever then! Good luck moving 'em all back again!


Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 17:51
by clothahump
Kotty wrote:Im moving it tonight into the garage, what a job its going to be to move it. :)
Sounds like a simple move, I have got to move 36 tanks when I move in November.
Glad it worked out OK for you.

Posted: 04 Sep 2003, 23:27
by Kotty
I think a polythene membrane is going to be part of the build, thanks for pointing it out though.

30 something tanks, yikes! erm where to start..., not the kind of removal job you can give to your local van men lol!

Posted: 05 Sep 2003, 08:27
by hyde
Best of luck for your move clothahump. I moved 2 months ago and thankfully suffered no losses in my 2 tanks.

Posted: 07 Sep 2003, 22:58
by Kotty
Bricks and mortar now under the floorboards. Its actually not that difficult to do once youve seen it once. I'd recommend anyone doing it if they have the same problem. It turns out that the 700kg or so was only resting on 1 joist... ouch, now theres 3 chunky ones and a lot of bricks :)

Lost 2 fish in the move, one cory and one rummy nosed tetra. 58 survived... hoorah!

Thanks for the advice everyone

Posted: 11 Sep 2003, 21:10
Hi keep a look out for white spot. It may trigger now the fish have been stressed. Good look hope your tank is safer now.