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Unidentified Synodontis

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 00:04
by Dinyar

Seen and photographed in pet store. Quite a striking Synodontis. Not sure of species, but don't believe I've seen it before. Any guesses as to its ID?


Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 00:08
by DeLBoD
Synodontis frontosus?

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 00:27
by Silurus
I'm 70% sure it's S. eburneensis. Can't completely rule out S. bastiani, though.

Not making good use of Poll, I see. :)

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 04:31
by Dinyar
Yes, I think that makes sense.

However, isn't S. eburneensis a junior synonym of S. bastiani?


Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 09:01
by DeLBoD
Synodontis bastiani, Synonym(s): Synodontis eburneensis, Synodontis dageti

Posted: 25 Aug 2003, 11:45
by catalyst
Do you have any other pics, he looks like this unidentified syno that I have.

Hmmm, help me too please

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:37
by scottydog
I have a similar syno to this, about 10 inches long with a single large spot down each side. Big eyes, this gregarious fish seems to love rubbing up against large silver dollars and tinfoil barbs. Cannot find a definitive name anywhere. LFS labelled simply as syno, and that's a store with a good catfish reputation!! Thriving in a 65 gallon tank though, so am happy with things generally.

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:48
by Silurus

Your fish is probably Synodontis notatus.

Thanks Muchly

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:56
by scottydog
Thank you very much. 2 years I've had the boy and it took 15 mins to id. Do you by any chance know how big he'll grow...?

Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 16:58
by Silurus
About 10.5" (265 mm).


Posted: 01 Sep 2003, 17:01
by scottydog
Nearly there then!! :D