
Items sought in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland.
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Post by cpe1968 »

Can anyone help, I am looking for a L397 I have been told these are banned but surely there must be some about. Willing to travel if anyone has any.
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Re: L397

Post by MatsP »

Yes, they are on the current Brazil banned list. Not sure if there are any about. I've got some of a similar type (L002, I think, but I'm not sure, there are too many similar ones). They came from a Maidenhead aquatics and were called something completely differently (Peckoltia vittata or some similarly "obviously wrong").

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Re: L397

Post by cpe1968 »

Yeah the L002 is simular and I have 1 of them, i think the L397 is a bit more of a looker tho.
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