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MTS and PLeco Eggs

Posted: 16 Feb 2010, 19:48
by MarkN
Will MTS(Malaysian Trumpet Snails) eat plecos eggs? I have noticed that some of my L201 clutches have either shrunken in size greatly or disappeared and I have seen some mts in the caves? My other option is some of the peacock juvies may be picking off fry during the evening or morning hours? ANy thoughts or suggestions? I have since removed the peacocks and the 201's are now the only occupants of the tank.

Thanks Mark

Re: MTS and PLeco Eggs

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 02:41
by andywoolloo
I have MTS in all my tanks and I have bred BN pl*cos and I even on purpose put some MTS in the net breeder when my first male BN kicked out a clutch of eggs accidentally and wouldn't take them back and they were fine. The MTS helped to clean everything in the net breeder and also helped to clean the eggs I think or maybe the fungused ones.

I say no it isn't your MTS's that are the problem.

Re: MTS and PLeco Eggs

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 20:09
by Bwhiskered
Trumpet snails do not eat live healthy eggs. They do eat the infertle and fungused eggs. Some cory breeders put trumpet snails in with eggs to eat the bad ones and stop the spread of fungus.