when to offer the fry food

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when to offer the fry food

Post by Taratron »

My L144s spawned (finally, yes!) and daddy is in a 20 gallon fry tank with fry in cave still. There is nothing in the tank save for red cherry shrimp and 2 small L144s. I plan to move the dad fish back to his main tank with cave once he leaves the fry. The question is how to keep the fry alive and kicking! When do I start feeding the fry? I was planning on keeping zucchini and lettuce in the tank every day, and add algae wafers every day. Water changes of 25% every day, maybe twice a day?
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Re: when to offer the fry food

Post by [email protected] »

When the fry leave the cave (or dad kicks them out) they're ready to eat the same thing dad was eating. There's no hurry to pull dad, he won't bother the fry.

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Re: when to offer the fry food

Post by MatsP »

I agree with Jeff. I just want to add that you may want to feed the fry with some lightly cooked courgette/zucchini or sweet potato (for example). When the fry is real young, they need slightly softer food. This will improve the fry survival rate and early on growth-rate.

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Re: when to offer the fry food

Post by DJ-don »

usually i just get some some cumber and cut out the middle (the soft area with seeds) and give them that
my bn fry swarm all over and it disappears quite quickly
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