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aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 02:34
by Proteus
Here's the issue:

I noticed the the littlest one at 7'' had two red marks on its side. I was observing the tank during feeding and was watching it very closely being very nervous- darting back to cave being too close to the cave that she was hiding out of... the biggest one I thought was a male at 11'' has lately balloned up I just watched it consume about 1 oz of my homemade food in one sitting - it has been a huge pig lately gobbling up everything before any other residents of the tank can start trying to hunt down the food.

The duo was out feeding then comes out the . It zero'd on the duo- zoomed so fast and hit the biggest 11'' one. (They're the same length) the fastest I've ever seen it it doesn't move that fast when I'm catching it to move it to another tanks etc. I've ever seen it move that lightning fast before. Then immediately do a loop and hit the 7'' on its same side that it had two red marks on its white line part- now the 3rd mark was the recent hit that wasn't there before now its white on the black area just above the red line.

the duo immediately scatter into their caves. head in first.

It dawned on me because those duo are the most outgoing rapahels always in front of the tanks when I'm in the room and looking at me to feed them. Lately I've been so occupied with my projects I didn't see the personality difference.

THen I look very close to the bully. He patrols furiously in front of his cave which is the BIGGEST in the tank- do a perimeter check sees the tail moving as he passes by the cave is just below his cave. He charges the cave and batters it trying to squeeze in making the sand fly very aggressively He's just simply too big even can't put his whole head in anyways and gives up after 10 seconds of trying to do that. I look at the its unhurt.

The most puzzling thing is that is about 11 years old or 10 according to its old owner. The 7" that he bit was his old tank mate that was so inseparatable. Ever since I added the 11'' to the tank the 7'' ditched and has been hanging out with the new .

If I didn't see the being a terror to the other raphaels in the tank I wouldn't have believed it and would have immediately thought the injured raphael had some kind of parasite going on.

BY the way the L204s that was also outgoing are cowering too. They're usually in front of the tank hanging out and now they're trying to get out of everyone's way.

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 07:10
by wrasse
I lost track about half way through your account but it seems you now have a rogue fish.

I doubt that re-arranging the tank decor would make a difference for long in this case, although you might provide more caves and choices for the other fish. So its decision time. Do you allow it to continue or do you re-home the rogue?

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 11 Feb 2010, 23:52
by Proteus
:thumbsup: I rearranged my tank- moved the caves, added more driftwood AND TONS of java fern and tied down the java ferns with rubberbands to the pvcs and some driftwood last nite.

THIS MORNING: all 3 buddies again! staying together nose to nose with the 2 biggest one and one of the L204 is even hiding under the costatus's belly at this moment as I type.

SO curious what the heck he was so mad about.

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 03:37
by PeterUK
Do you have any photo's of these fish next to a ruler as they seem to be way over the size stated in the cat-eLog ? :shock:

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 12 Feb 2010, 23:56
by arcsb
PeterUK wrote:Do you have any photo's of these fish next to a ruler as they seem to be way over the size stated in the cat-eLog ? :shock:
P.armatulus can get to quite a size,I was amazed at the size of this one I saw at deep sea world.


Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 17 Feb 2010, 18:50
by Proteus

all ended up having abdominal bloat

still working on addressing the issue with those guys- that's what makes the platydoras costatus very cranky- he's not feeling well and was probably trying to keep the other two away as the other two was more sicker than he was.

now that he's ballooned up it explains it a whole alot- now doing treatments with metro and prazquel (spelling) and epsom salt.

lesson: don't do lights after months of not having lights and same time did a filter switch as well as did not clean out the filter that was sitting in the shed for months (eheim pro ii 2028) very well as might have had bad stuff in it so the mystery will always not be solved what triggered the stress to get them that sick.

It all fit in right after the costatus swelled like a balloon thats when I immediately went to the store and got the salts- he's getting better all 3 of them are. None of other fish in the tank are affected. He's nicer to other fish now that he's probably feeling better.

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 21 Feb 2010, 08:35
by Marc van Arc
Just stating that I have severe doubts wrt several conclusions you make in this thread.

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 15:48
by Proteus
what conclusion you think I came up that might have not been it as would appreciate the help

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 22 Feb 2010, 22:47
by Marc van Arc
Proteus wrote:what conclusion you think I came up that might have not been it as would appreciate the help
I will, but give me some time for it's quite hectic around here. I'll get back to you asap with a proper reply.

Re: aggression issues with Platydoras costatus

Posted: 23 Feb 2010, 17:00
by Proteus
I'm planning to remove them from tank environment after I get a stock tub for those 3 big guys and they'll have the whole tub to themselves. about 100 gallon at least and run a sponge filter. No heater in the summers.