How to remove a juwel filter ?

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How to remove a juwel filter ?

Post by bristlenosekid »


i have bought a fluval u3 2 weeks ago and it has been in the tank. now i want to remove the Juwel filter completely so i can just have the fluval one. ( i hate juwel filters). the tank has fish in and is fully set up what is the best way to remove it ? any help would help loads.
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Re: How to remove a juwel filter ?

Post by MatsP »

A thin, long-bladed, sharp knife can be used to cut the silicon that Juwel use to stick the filter box on. I'm not sure why you don't like it, I find that they are pretty good filters for internals, and I personally would keep the Juwel filter running [unless it's broken in some way] and thus get more filter performance. But that's your business.

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Re: How to remove a juwel filter ?

Post by bristlenosekid »

i have always had fluval filters in my tanks and don't like the fact it is very big and there is not a strong water flow out of it. however they do have lots of filter media in.
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Re: How to remove a juwel filter ?

Post by MatsP »

bristlenosekid wrote:HI,
i have always had fluval filters in my tanks and don't like the fact it is very big and there is not a strong water flow out of it. however they do have lots of filter media in.
If you want more waterflow, it's probably better to have a dedicated circulation pump. In my experience, Fluval clogs up quite quickly (due to less media to "fill with gunk").

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