look for a new plec ? HELP

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look for a new plec ? HELP

Post by bristlenosekid »

I am looking for a new plec. its max size can be upto 7" and budget about £15.
it has to be birght good pattern and colourful. ie brown or black.
spots stripes
i was thinking of a couple of 129l ? i had seen the at 3.5" for £13.99

any help would be great as i can place my order and get them next week but i want a list of a few so if she can't get one she can get the other.
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Re: look for a new plec ? HELP

Post by MatsP »

(L129) for £14 each sounds like a bargain, especially if they are nearly fully grown - are you planning to buy a group, or just a single fish?

I got a group of for £15 each, and the reason I got that price was that I knew the shop wanted to get rid of them, and I bought the remaining stock that the shop had - they were listed at £25 each.

Other than saying that the price is good or not so good, we can't really advice you on what you should buy, as that's mainly a case of "what you like", and what you think will be right in your tank. And of course, what is available to you.

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Re: look for a new plec ? HELP

Post by bristlenosekid »

hi sorry it was 128l not 129l.
it was a blue phantom i saw.
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Re: look for a new plec ? HELP

Post by Richard B »

bristlenosekid wrote:hi sorry it was 128l not 129l.
it was a blue phantom i saw.
Sounds like a good price for L128!!!
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Re: look for a new plec ? HELP

Post by MatsP »

Absolutely. Locally here, are about £40 or more, and I know where small-medium sized ones are about £20, assuming they really are what the label says, then it's a very good price.

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