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Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 08 Nov 2009, 19:01
by Martin S
I have decided I need to try and reduce the number of mts in one of my tanks and so have decided to try some assassin snails.
Before I pay shop prices was wondering if anyone had a surplus of these they would be willing to sell. Unless local to Reigate (Rh2, j8/m25) you would be willing to post. Not sure how many I would need to start with, but I have a lot of mts to get rid of!
I keep the feeding to a minimum, and can easily net out on a daily basis numbers of snails but I just can't seem to keep on top of them. I know they are not a danger to anything, I just don't like to see so many.
Please let me know if you can help.

Re: Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 04:53
by Sam
I have at least ten left for sale at the moment, I am based in Nottingham, and I sell them for 1pound50pence each.

Must be acclimatised for twenty minutes minimum

They burrow in to the substrate and hunt there for long periods of time especially love MTS

look dead when resting but later they're not in the same spot anymore or on the glass

When all prey snails are gone they clean up the tank

Assassins even team up on bigger snails

Single best all-around snail-killing animal in the hobby

It is one of the only freshwater whelks

Re: Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 14:31
by Jools

PM me your address and I'll send you some for free as a thank you for work on the site. I have a few to spare. :-)


Re: Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 15:33
by Martin S
Thanks Jools, but since the original advert (2009!) I've mananged to source a few. If I need any more, I'll let you know though :)

Re: Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 21 Aug 2011, 15:36
by Jools
Sorry, I missed that - I just assumed that if it was a current reply, it would be a current want!



Re: Assassin Snails (willing to post)

Posted: 22 Aug 2011, 09:07
by Martin S
no problem, we've all done it I'm sure! :))