What kind of catfish?

Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
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What kind of catfish?

Post by Sar3989 »

Hey everybody,

My mum bought me this little guy the other day, and she didn't think to find out what kind of catfish he was. However, I need to know in order to take proper care of him! I've looked, and the only type that resembles him that I've come across is the Pictus Catfish? I'm not a fish expert, so I really have no idea. Anyway, I'm sure someone here can help me out!
Thanks very much,

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Re: What kind of catfish?

Post by MatsP »

I'd guess it's some sort of , but the distorted view through the glass makes it nearly impossible to see the shape of the fish. The spots makes me sort of think that it's a hybrid, but I'd defer to someone with much better skills of identifying Synos.

It's absolutely not a chance in a well-frozen warm place that it's a Pictus cat.

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Re: What kind of catfish?

Post by zenyfish »

Eyes are really small, but that might be distortion. Nigriventris? ... especially if it swims upside down.
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Re: What kind of catfish?

Post by Richard B »

It doesn't look like a nigriventris from here... :(
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Re: What kind of catfish?

Post by Oliver D. »


it´s a young fish... two possibilities:


Following a picture from a youngster with a size of 3-4 cm. I have bred this spezies and called them "Synodontis cf. nigrita". In the meantime i think it is probably S. robbiana.
Best regards, Oliver
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