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what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 13:58
by jessey
sorry not a good photo..but it swim too fast...
i guess it's Bumble Bee Catfish but i wanna be sure...
thanks everyone

Re: what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 14:16
by MatsP
It is almost certainly ONE of the several species that can be found under the name of "bumblebee catfish". There are about a dozen different common names that contain "bumblebee" as part of the common name (that's not necessarily the same as a dozen DIFFERENT species).

Your photo isn't very clear, so it's not easy to tell how many barbels the fish has, which would tell us if it's an Asian or South American form.


Re: what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 14:19
by jessey
it's probably an asian one cos i'm in hongkong and this donest cost that much..
is it easlier to tell then? i just wanna know how long will it grow cos it's soo cute i want it to be big and healthy

Re: what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 14:23
by MatsP
Good point. the common form of Asian Bumblebee catfish. It's pretty easy to tell apart from it's South American similars by the fact that it's got 8 barbels vs. 6 for the South American ones.


Re: what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 14:47
by jessey
i guess Pseudomystus siamensis is the closest one...thanks eveyone..

Re: what kind of catfish?

Posted: 04 Nov 2009, 16:55
by Suckermouth
It looks like a Pseudomystus. The body shape is not right for a Microglanis.