riding current for fun or oxygen

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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riding current for fun or oxygen

Post by DJ-don »

i hav a 145 litre tank which recently got fully cycled and i added 2 full grown opposite gender and it was riding the medium - strong current alot. is this just for fun or natural behaviour, or is it an indicater there isnt enough oxygen in the tank, which i highly doubt because there is alot of plants in there. 2 11 cm hygrophilia 1 big amazon sword 1 massive clump of java moss and small java moss added to pots and such
ammonia and nitrate/trite levels are at 0.
p.h. 6.9
softness 30
just trying to make sure if anything is wrong.
i dont want to risk anything :)
much help is appreciated.
and also i went to other forums and all of them dont tell me anything about blue rams if they mind currents. i know this is a catfish website but i was wondering will these fish go well with the current? thanks help is appreciated

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Re: riding current for fun or oxygen

Post by MatsP »

Most plecos like to sit in current from time to time. I'd worry if they start gulping air from the surface.

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Re: riding current for fun or oxygen

Post by DJ-don »

ok cool! thanks for the quick reply. im just checking to make sure and there is defintley no gulping air!
and what about the blue rams Plan to add them later
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Re: riding current for fun or oxygen

Post by Hitch »

It really depends on how much current there is in the tank. The rams like a little current, but not too much. From my experience....they tend to stay away from direct current.
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Re: riding current for fun or oxygen

Post by Chrysichthys »

DJ-don wrote:im just checking to make sure and there is defintley no gulping air!
Even when the water is well-oxygenated they may do it the odd time. If they are doing it a lot, that's when you have a problem.
(Daily Mash headline)
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