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Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 15:02
by ouscazz
Can anybody help me find out what they really are?
Both are bought as L333 but I'm not quite sure about if this is correct...
Pic #1 bought as male - 10cm (4") TL
Pic #2 bought as female - 7,5cm (3") TL
Pic #3 same fish as #2
Possible male? Pic #1
Possible male? Pic #1
Possible female? Pic #2
Possible female? Pic #2
Possible female? Pic #3
Possible female? Pic #3

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 18:06
by apistomaster
#2 and #3 look like L333 and #1 is not one I am willing to guess it's identification. It is a very pretty specimens whatever it may be.

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 01 Oct 2009, 19:37
by Jon
first one looks like 401. The second would be easier to ID in the water.

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 02 Oct 2009, 07:35
by jac
I would definatly say that these are L401. The top picture looks like my L401.
Nice fish :thumbsup:

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 21:05
by ouscazz
Thanks a lot!
What are the main differences between L333/L401?

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 21:54
by jac
ouscazz wrote:Thanks a lot!
What are the main differences between L333/L401?
Maybe this tread will help. It is an ID of my L401 :wink: ... 13&t=25719

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 03 Oct 2009, 21:58
by Janne
First pic is L401, the second is not L401 but a good picture like Jon said under water would help very much.


Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 02:02
by apistomaster
Many members believe these fish were L401. They only grew to about 3/4 the size of my L333 which look like the 3rd fish in the top row of the species profile and the other yellow and brown specimens shown rather than the black and white specimens.
The maximum size in the species profile may be larger than many aquarium specimens reach.

Re: Are these L333, L401, or?

Posted: 04 Oct 2009, 09:43
by ouscazz
Thank you very much for your opinions, it's been very helpfull! :thumbsup:

I've been told on other forums that the first pic is a 401, just as you guys say. I don't know the origin of the fish, if it's captive bred or not. The second, smaller cat is sold as wild caught L333 and that is probably true.

I rarely see these two when the lights are on so I don't have a better photo of the L333 in the water. I'll post one as soon as I get the chance to make a photo of her.. :)