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Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 29 Sep 2009, 21:11
by ouscazz
... it turned out to look like something else...

Hi all!

Can anyone identify this catfish please? Photo is the best I can do as we rarely see the fish.
Thanks alot.

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 29 Sep 2009, 22:11
by zenyfish
Hard to see ... look anything like this?

[Mod edit: Use image tags... --Mats]

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 29 Sep 2009, 22:16
by andywoolloo
yes, I agree

looks like a baby common pleco of some sort, cause my pardalis had those colour fins when he was wee.

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 29 Sep 2009, 23:19
by racoll
Definitely a , but not exactly sure sure which one from that photo.

Either way, its going to grow huge....

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 30 Sep 2009, 08:25
by sunfish
This is a probably a common pleco, but not an ancistrus. It is a Pterygoplichthys. You might wanna return it, as it will grow fast and reach way over a foot in length.

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 30 Sep 2009, 10:49
by ouscazz
Thanks all.

That's exactly what I suspected.. some kind of Pterygoplichthys.
My wife bought this pleco at the local pet store a couple of months ago. Seller claimed it was an ancistrus juvenile. In the end it clearly showed up to be a pleco fry.. and I don't want to have any foot long monsters in my tanks. so... yes, I will definitly return it.

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 30 Sep 2009, 13:25
by Chrysichthys
I think it's , in which case foot-long monster is an understatement.

Re: Bought this as a common Ancistrus juvenile, but..

Posted: 30 Sep 2009, 20:59
by ouscazz
Chrysichthys wrote:I think it's , in which case foot-long monster is an understatement.
No, it's not a Gibbi for sure. This one is striped, Gibbi is spotted.