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Hi everyone

Posted: 03 Sep 2009, 02:27
by docdoo475
Hey everyone.. I'm new here. I used to have a red-tailed catfish (don't know the scientific name, but I know its from the Amazon)
They are beautiful fish but I thought they were a little dull how they just hung out at the bottom, occasionally feeling around blindly with their whiskers looking for food.
Are there another type of catfish that have more "personality" and are more fun to keep on top of being nice to look at?


Re: Hi everyone

Posted: 05 Sep 2009, 13:05
by fischkringli
first of all, welcome to planetcatfish :D
I mean, nearly every catfish has his individual personality. Especially species, who get very old. For example an old , who comes when you whistle.

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 08:36
by L number Banana
Hi and Welcome to Planet Catfish :)
I think many people might say their particular catfish has personality but I guess I only notice the 'personalities' of mine because I've spent hours watching their behaviour. will take food from your hand but so will many catfish, especially plecos, just takes consistant and repetitive 'training' by the fish keeper. They seem to like belly rubs too but they do have spines that could sting you if you make and movements that scare them I suppose.

Several people find Corys to show individual behaviors when they're kept in a group. Also they're out in the daytime so you can study them more to make out the individual differences.

Look up something like "Catfish pets" on youtube and you should see several tame ones.
Good luck finding the right catfish but don't hesitate to check back before you buy just to make sure it's not one that will grow into a huge monster fish. :shock:

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: 06 Sep 2009, 09:43
by MatsP
Welcome to Planet Catfish.


Re: Hi everyone

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 03:18
by mweil
i guess it depends on the fish.when i was in highschool i caught a small channel cat from the river near my house then with my dad.i kept it in a 20 long and it would feed from my hand.

Re: Hi everyone

Posted: 08 Sep 2009, 21:52
by docdoo475
cool thanks everyone for the warm welcome