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Synodontis macrops thumbnails
Posted: 06 Aug 2003, 13:55
by Chrysichthys
Problem with this in the Cat-eLog.
Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 12:04
by Jools
Darn! This is going to be a tricky one to fix. The issue is with cat-elog entries that have data but no pictures. Leave it with me, but please hassle me about it periodically until I figure out how to fix it.
Good spot!
Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 12:07
by Silurus
We can just use a drawing from Boulenger for this one.
Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 12:09
by Jools
That would be useful and I'm happy to add it in, but there are quite a few l-number entries that I do not have a solution for. Yet.
Posted: 09 Aug 2003, 13:22
by Silurus
The drawings accompanying original descriptions can be used, if available. Otherwise, we can get someone to make drawings from the whatever photographs are available. I'd ask a friend, but it might be better to check to see if there are any forum members with the requisite drawing skills.
Posted: 16 Aug 2003, 08:18
by Jools
OK, I spent some time looking into this last night and it is really going to take a lot of time to resolve. In the meantime, the line drawing would be very handy. On a geenral point, I'm all in favour of using line drawings if we have no other visual information on a species.