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Hey I am new here!

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 12:26
by tinycichlid1
My name is Mike. I have really interested in collecting and trying to breed fish for the last two years. Currently I have 7 tanks not including my hospital tank which is empty. I have a 60 gallon with a multitude of different breeding ancistrus and dwark cichlids, a 29 with young discus, a 10 with 6 young L-46, a 20 with 5 L-134, a twenty with random young plecos like L-201/L-66/L260/L-288, a 20 with L-127 and dwarf cichlids, and a ten with dwarf cichlids. I have only successfully bred the ancistrus and am looking for tips on breeding the L-134s. I am glad to be part of Planet Catfish.


Re: Hey I am new here!

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 12:41
by MatsP
Welcome to Planet Catfish. I'm pretty sure there is breeding advice on L134 both in the Loricariidae section and in Shane's world.


Re: Hey I am new here!

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 14:00
by Richard B
Hi there, welcome to Planet Catfish!

Re: Hey I am new here!

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 18:36
by Dave Rinaldo
Welcome :thumbsup: