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CHEAP Sale : 17 WILD Corydoras Sp. (C141) !!! ( USA ONLY )

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 09:12
by Callichthyidae
Hello! Everyone :wink:
I have 17 WILD Corydoras Sp. (C141) for CHEAP CHEAP Sale Seriously at this time. I bought this species for more than half year ago, but finally I've decided to sell them all because I don't have enough space for them. So, I think that I should sell them all better to keep them in a limited space that make them feel uncomfortable. I really want to sell them at $ 3 each, and for all 17 of them ONLY $ 42.50. :thumbsup:
Umm..Customer pays for Shipping and the Handling, please. :) Thank you very much.

Best Regards;
Bunthid or Max :D

Re: CHEAP Sale : 17 WILD Corydoras Sp. (C141) !!! ( USA ONLY )

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 18:53
by EliWhitney314
still have them?

Re: CHEAP Sale : 17 WILD Corydoras Sp. (C141) !!! ( USA ONLY )

Posted: 17 Aug 2009, 18:55
by EliWhitney314
do you have any photos of them?

It's Me.

Posted: 20 Sep 2009, 07:53
by Callichthyidae
Hello! EliWhitney314 :)

I am so sorry to contact back to you very late because I am so busy of work and school at the same time.

I SOLD out all of them already for a little while ago. I am so sorry about that. I will let you know when I have something else to sell. :(

I am so sorry again, and I hope you can be my customer later on. Thank you very much.

Bunthid or Max :)