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Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 17:48
by Coryologist
Greetings. When it rains, it pours. The fish room has gone berserk, today. First, eggs from 2 new species I have never spawned, before - C. ornatus, which I have been waiting for over 2 years and A. spilotus, which I have only had a few weeks. The C. ornatus are drop-dead gorgeous. They are the long-snouted version of C133, which I was the first in the U.S. to get to spawn. I believe the A. spilotus spawning is also the first in the U.S. as the fish has just started becoming available in the hobby in any significant numbers and I'm not aware of any U.S. spawnings.

Other eggs, today include: C. gossei (spawning as I type this), C. adolfoi, more C133's, A. albater, C. cf. paleatus, C150, C120, C. cf. aurofrenatus (Argentina), C. areio and C. reynoldsi. Also, had about 250 C. pygmaeus hatched-out, this morning. And the CPD's I got from RMC have produced some fry and are starting to lay eggs in large numbers. Life is good and I be in fish heaven. - Frank

P.S. Sorry about the quality of the pic. I was actually shaking. lol.


Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 18:28
by Kampfer
wow...that's a lot of spawning! Champ!

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 18:50
by Dave Rinaldo
How exciting, Frank!! 8) :thumbsup:

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 19:33
by Coryologist
OK. Not to add insult to injury, but I just found eggs AND fry in the C035 tank. lol. This is NOT to be believed. - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 20:13
by andywoolloo
congratulations!! and that's a great picture! :thumbsup:

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 17 Jul 2009, 22:05
by Coryologist
Thanks, all. I'm tickled pink. - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 17:31
by Coryologist
Please add C. similis and C. nattereri to the list. lol. - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 19:19
by Birger
Holy c##p Frank, not bad...just out of interest what has the weather been doing in your area?


Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 20:09
by Coryologist
Hi Birger. Yes - I am afraid to enter the fish room for fear of what I will find spawning next. lol. The surprising thing is I have 2 monstrously huge CW016 females in my original spawning group. I just can't believe they have not gone, yet. Hopefully, any day.

Besides the 2 new spawns, today, I found more eggs in at least 5 of the tanks that spawned, yesterday. I've never experienced anything like this. It looks like my B. macrostoma are trying to spawn, also.

The weather has been extremely dry, but there are constant threats of severe thunderstorms that skirt my immediate area. They include hail and 60 mph winds, but usually more than 50 miles from me. All of my grass is dead. It is quite hot and at least the lake is as warm as a bath tub. I am going swimming after I finish this post.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.


P.S. OK - so it's not a Cory. Awesome looking fish, just the same, :-)


Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 20:17
by Richard B
Nice one on all counts! :thumbsup:

B.Macrostoma is one of my fave anabantoids :D

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 21:30
by andywoolloo
I'd love to have some of those wild bettas one day. I saw a video of them spawning on you tube. Incredible.

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 12:26
by AlaskanCorydoras
Grats Frank. I need to get some of mine to spawn. . . they're getting QUITE bloated looking.

Though perhaps that was just the salmon I fed them for dinner. . .

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 19:25
by Jon
excellentper usual.

also, if the fish i have posted in the aspidoras profile is correct, i have spawned a. spilotus. :-X

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 19 Jul 2009, 19:40
by Coryologist
Jon wrote:excellentper usual.
TYVM, Jon.
also, if the fish i have posted in the aspidoras profile is correct, i have spawned a. spilotus. :-X
Well, if that is the case. I cheerfully retract my statement of possibly being the first to spawn them. Would be most interested in seeing your fry pics. :-) - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 04:29
by Jon
Only pics of fungused eggs and 1" F1s:


This is the best pic I have. The one in the front is a several month (half a year, maybe? I don't keep track) old spilota and the ones in the back are young F1 C-35s.


"Other eggs, today include: C. gossei (spawning as I type this), C. adolfoi, more C133's, A. albater, C. cf. paleatus, C150, C120, C. cf. aurofrenatus (Argentina), C. areio and C. reynoldsi. Also, had about 250 C. pygmaeus hatched-out, this morning. And the CPD's I got from RMC have produced some fry and are starting to lay eggs in large numbers."

wow. that is incredible!

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 15:03
by Coryologist
Hi Jon,

Generally, to lay claim to being first to spawn a particular specie of fish, there is a established regimen that is adhered to. This includes a photo of the adults, the eggs that were laid and pictures of the fry at fairly specific stages of development - generally 10, 20 and 30 days of age.






Additionally, it is the norm for a spawning to be consider "successful," that at least a small number of fish reach sexual maturity. Since I have passed this extremely rare specie on, to other well-known competent breeders, as both juveniles and adults - all the prerequisite requirements for laying claim to having had the first documented spawning of a particular specie has been met. Of course there are no "rules" governing this procedure, but it does go a long way toward allowing a breeder, who oftentimes waits years for a fish to finally spawn from having his or her accomplishment diminished by someone simply saying, "Oh, I've spawned those, already."

No one can refute your claim to having spawned A. spilotus and at this point I only have eggs from the fish. I will however attempt to document the spawning and unless no one has already done so, lay claim to the first "documented captive spawning" of this particular specie.

No offense intended. - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 21 Jul 2009, 22:35
by Coryologist
This group of CW016's laid 160 eggs today and I got to watch all of the C. ornatus hatch-out. An amazing site to witness. :-) - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 22 Jul 2009, 05:44
by Jon
That is certainly a good point. I do not usually document the grow out process of my fish, because it never really crossed my mind, as it were--especially not callichthyids, as they are not really an area of particular interest to me. This is probably a good idea for posterity. I hope you understand I am not trying to detract from your accomplishment in any way. I was posting what I thought might be something relevant to the topic.

That being said, my track record for spawning is reasonable, and I hope, at the very least, my contribution pictures can indicate that I'm not making anything up (not meaning to sound accusatory--just saying): ... tor_id=101

a very incomprehensive view few of catfishes I've spawned (the fry and egg pics, at least). It should be noted that the aspidoras in the cat e log is an F1.

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 14:06
by bronzefry
Master at work! I'm lucky to get a few fry to live. Do you move your parents or do you move the's something curious I've noted in my short time as a novice "breeder." I hesitate to say breeder. I save that term for folks like you. :wink:

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 30 Jul 2009, 14:23
by Coryologist
bronzefry wrote:Frank,
Master at work!
The fish do all the work. I just provide the surroundings. :-)
I'm lucky to get a few fry to live.
I still have may spawns the end up the same way. Some are tougher than others. :-(
Do you move your parents or do you move the's something curious I've noted in my short time as a novice "breeder." I hesitate to say breeder. I save that term for folks like you. :wink:
I generally move the eggs. An exception to that would be S. barbatus and S. kronei.

Keep plugging away. Patience is the most important thing. - Frank

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 31 Jul 2009, 18:00
by apistomaster
I generally have the same view about defining a successful spawn of a new or species lacking previous breeding documentation but I do make some exceptions.
Most Corydoras appear to be able to breed at about 12 months old although some of the dwarf Corys mature much earlier.

Then there are fish like the various Hypancistrus where a spawning may be documented as successful but due to their long maturation period it isn't always practical to run them through their entire life cycle except over several years.

To raise only a few fry, like less than 10-20, in the case of Corydoras spp is not what i would consider a success worth laying claim to if a hundred or 2 hundred eggs in the spawn failed to hatch. It is a beginning but one has to do better than that to be considered successful at large. It can be a source of personal satisfaction that at least one has begun to make some progress.

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 03:04
by JoeO
SO Frank, how are the new cories doing? Do you have some pictures to post?

Also great radio shows. Thank you for your efforts. A dead president will be stopping by to say hello.

Re: Fish Room Gone Berserk

Posted: 29 Aug 2009, 03:12
by Coryologist
JoeO wrote:SO Frank, how are the new cories doing? Do you have some pictures to post?
Hello, Joe. No. Haven't touched my camera in many moons. Not enough hours in the day. :-(
Also great radio shows. Thank you for your efforts. A dead president will be stopping by to say hello.
My pleasure. I'm glad you are enjoying them. President McKinley is always welcome here. lol. - Frank