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Hi from NM

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 00:36
by FishFreak95
Hi. I live in New Mexico and we moved here about a year ago. We used to live in Michigan for the first 13 years of my live so im 14. Ive been keeping fish since I was 7. Ive kept a 6 inch bull head in a 55 gallon but the aquarium temperature reached over 95 degrees AND DIED. Now I have a pond with 4 goldfish, 3 baby carp, alot of mosquito fish, 7 inch RES and an 8 inch Cooter. A 10 gallon with a marbled crayfish and 2 living baby crays both from different berries on the same crayfish, this type of crayfish self-reproduces and you should seperate them at 1 or 2 weeks of age. A 55 gallon with 2 angelfish, 2 zebra danios, 1 pearl danio, 1 chinese algae eater, 2 male guppies, 1 female guppy, 1 male platy, 2 female platies. A 1/2 filled 10 gallon with a baby softshell turtle from the Rio Grande, 10 fry from Rio Grande, 1 baby unknown catfish, 2 ghost shrimp and 2 baby crayfish.

Re: Hi from NM

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 01:43
by L number Banana
Welcome to Planet Catfish, FishFreak95 :)

Sound like you have quite the nice variety. The crayfish sound like they'd be neat to see, feel free to post pictures of them if you have any. Also try posting the unknown catfish fry on the What's my Catfish forum, the people there may be able to ID it for you.

I have danios too. Right now they're vacationing in the outdoor pond :lol:

Re: Hi from NM

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 02:16
by FishFreak95
I would do that but the cord tha connects the computer and camera are missing. When I find it I will do that.

Re: Hi from NM

Posted: 16 Jul 2009, 08:27
by Richard B
Welcome to P.C.

Re: Hi from NM

Posted: 18 Jul 2009, 11:51
by MatsP
Welcome to Planet Catfish.
