Genetically modified aquarium fish.

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Genetically modified aquarium fish.

Post by clothahump »

Some of you will be aware that the breeders are producing modified fish, there is a company in Taiwan that is producing glow in the dark Zebra Danios and Medakas.
Spread this around the web please, lets see if we can make a difference.
Follow the link to sign the petition please.
Last edited by clothahump on 08 Sep 2003, 22:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by pturley »

The loudest petitions, votes, voices we can have in these matters is with our wallets.

The companies in question have already invested their money into these fish. The reality is; that they WILL market them regardless of any petitions.

If they are a flop on the market, they won't continue the investment in other ventures.

Realistically, I am afraid you're are too late. At this point, the only protest that can be expected to work would be to educate the public and not to buy the fish.
Then the LFS won't buy them.
Which means the wholesalers won't buy them.
And the Jobbers won't import them, etc. etc. etc.

I am surprized, at least in the US, that Fish and Wildlife would even allow them to be marketed. Having worked in a Molecular Biology lab for two years, I was subject to extensive isolation and containment rules for all transgenic organisms. The rules on transgenic fish were particularly strict (at least in Minnesota). Curious...

Paul E. Turley
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Post by Sid Guppy »

I would sign it if they didn't ask so many very private things!
I mean, gender (??) , postal code, EVERYthing is required.... :o :o :o

NO WAY I'm putting that on the net, EVER.
Too many bad intended people roaming the virtual galaxy, and too many businesscreeps invading people's privacy and doing all kinds of nasty stuff (and I haven't even started on the CIA or the Feds)

too bad!
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Post by Caol_ila »


If you sign a petition "live" at a mall or on the street youll have to add adress to make it valid. So to me it looks ok. And the "Anonymous" thing is very nice.
I signed it! (noticable by the DE. :)
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Post by Allan »

I agree with pturley.... i don't think we will make much difference with signing pertitions. Still i think it's better to let your meaning be heard, and if there any chance of making a difference, the 30 seconds are weel spend.

Also i told all my friends to sign, sending them a picture of the GMO fish. Then at least they know that the fish are GMO when they with time encounter them in the shops. I have seen a big lack of knowledge lately, regarding the dye-colored fish, and making noise may make people smarter.
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Post by Pectorale »

Refusing to buy and spreading the word to other fish enthusiasts seems the most effective strategy to show the producers of these enhanced fish that there is no niche in the market for them. I think there are so many beautiful animals in the world, we hardly need to invent more. Protecting animals that are in danger of extinction is a better way to spend my money as far as I'm concerned.

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Post by doctorzeb »

Hi just to throw in my 2 cents worth.

Yes I've signed the petition and yes I believe that the only way to achieve this is through the customers.

One thing that the Taikong corporation brags about is their certification to ISO 9000, a Quality Management standard. The primary requirement of getting certified to this standard is through Customer Focus. Therefore they are obliged to monitor and assess all customer input. Therefore any "complaints" to the company must be recorded and action taken against them, otherwise an "Non-Conformance " is issued. (please excuse me if this is getting boring it's my job).

Maybe another way to approach the matter is to send complaints in the form of e-mails. If they are "serious" about their certification, then they must address these complaints. Otherwise during an audit they will be seen to be ignoring their commitment to the prospective client.

just a thought

cheers rob
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Post by mallemalle »

Soup is good food!
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