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Cory help needed

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 23:19
by darryn
My wife heard that I wanted to get corys for my tank and surprised me by bringing home 4 Bronze corys on Saturday (apparently the last 4 they had).
My problem is that I am not sure what food I should be feeding them.

The story so far:
I have a recently cycled 100L tank. Currently (until Saturday) stocked with 3 Harlequins (who seem to be doing very well) from a previous tank. Substrate is pool filter sand, no plants (yet, still looking at building a custom canopy).
My tank was due for it's weekly partial water change on Sunday, so, not wanting to put any undue stress on the Corys, I decided to do the water change on Saturday before adding the Corys.
After the water change, I drip acclimatised the Corys for about 3 hours.
Once in the tank, they seemed very happy.
Later that night, at feeding time, I fed the Harlequins the frozen bloodworms that I have started feeding them every evening since adding them to the tank (fed a bit more than I usually do as I have read the the Corys like bloodworm), fed the Corys 2 Nurafin Max Sinking Shrimp Pellets (the food recommended to my wife by the LFS) and a slice of cucumber (held on the bottom by the fork).
The Corys did not seem too interested in any of the food (even though were/are constantly scavenging).
This morning, all the bloodworm seems to have been consumed. I then fed the Harlequins the normal food bits that they have been getting, and another 2 pellets. The pellets from the night before were mostly still whole. Once again the Corys did not seem interested.
Tonight I again fed with bloodworm, removed the cucumber and uneaten pellets . The Corys again did not seem too interested, but I could see that they did eat some of the bloodworm.
How and what should I be feeding to Corys to keep them happy?
They seem to be doing ok, constantly scavenging and darting up to the surface occasionaly..
I am still a noob, so any advice would be appreciated,

Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 23:34
by Proteus
personally myself I wouldn't be worried as bronze cories are hardy

and give fish a week to settle in and they'll be eating in no time just montior and give them some privacy as they're probably stressed out from all of the moves they have had to do before arriving into your tank- they probably ate the bloodworms when all of the lights were off as they were least stressed out and more comfortable moving about in their new environment


Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 05 Jul 2009, 23:37
by andywoolloo
The contant scavaging is normal cory activity. Going to the surface is too, unless maybe it's constantly then you might not have enough flow from filters in there. Not enough oxygen.

Mine eat Omega One cichlid flake and Omega one sinking shrimp pellets, and sinking earthworm sticks, they like sinking carnivore tabs by Hikari also. The love the defrosted frozen food from Hikari like spriulina shrimp, bloodworms, tubifex, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, krill. I also feed NLS sinking granules and they eat those too, The small sized ones. I only feed my cories once a day.

Just make sure and give them some at night so the other fish don't get it all before them, but cories are normally pretty good at getting food.

None of my cories ever really wanted frsh veg or fruit. But it's in my tanks for my pl*cos so maybe they nibble at it.

that's my two cents on cories.

how big is 100 liters in gals? do they have hiding areas? They also like to scavange on driftwood and plant leaves.

oh yes, totally agree with prior poster, all new fish need time to settle.

And what temp is your tank, and it's always a good idea to have a QT tank.

Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 12:03
by Carp37
mine eat almost anything except vegetables (although the hoplos eat them too)- flake, catfish pellets, frozen bloodworm/mysis, algae wafers (which are more fishmeal than algae) and spirulina tablets (which aren't intended for the corys).

Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 12:17
by Richard B
bronze corys from a lfs will have been commercially bred in huge numbers & should eat a huge variety of purpose made aquarium foods - perhaps the only key is that the food needs to be on the bottom, so any tablets, pellets, food sticks, granules, flakes etc as well as frozen live foods etc

Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 06 Jul 2009, 22:15
by darryn
Thanks to everybody for the advice. Now I now a bit more about what I can feed them. They are most probably still settling in, I will keep an eye on them over the next few days.

I think 100L is about 26 US Gallons. I am in the process of constructing hiding areas for them and adding driftwood and plants.
My tank's temp. is about 24.5 degrees centigrade.
Thanks for the advice on the quarantine tank. I understand the usefulness of one, but as I only had 3 Harlequins to start with, I though that it was worth the risk. My next fish will go into a QT before I add them. How long should new additions be put in a QT? From what I have read, the general period seems to be about two weeks.


Re: Cory help needed

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 08:50
by Cory_lover
QT periods vary depending on the type of fish (species dependent, and whether farmbred or wild-caught). The important thing to look out for fish in QT are that they are consuming their food, and appear healthy and settled, then you can transfer the fish into their normal homes. Since yours are bronze corys, 1-2 weeks will suffice. If it's a wildcaught fish that takes longer to acclimatize into aquarium conditions, or are a type of delicate species, QT durations will last up to about a month. Good luck with ur corys! :D