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Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 02 Jul 2009, 23:38
by mutlap
I have purchased a F1 breeding group ( 6) and 6 fry. This group spawned for the breeder I bought them from. I feed the group black worms and baby brine shrimp. The fry are about 3 months old. I would like to get the breeding group to spawn.
I have them in a bare bottom 20 gallon tank no light or hood, are they jumpers? Java Moss and a peice of wood holding down the moss.
What suggestions do you have? I want to raise the fry and hope I can establish another breeding group.

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 00:10
by MatsP
What temperature are you keeping them at. Most Schleromystax prefer pretty cool water.


Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 00:33
by mutlap
The breeder was keeping them at 72 degrees. I don't use a chiller. I can only do cold water changes at about 74 degrees. This breeder I think breeds most of his cories outside in a shed. The 74 degrees last about two days. How do most keep these fish. Maintaining cool water would be difficult without a chiller.

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 00:52
by MatsP
Getting the temperature to the mid-60's F would probably make a better environment to make these fish feel like breeding time - they are from the Sao Paulo regiokn of Brazil - thats quite a distance from the equator [sorry, I haven't looked up HOW far south of the equator it is].


Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 04:38
by Coryologist
Greetings. I have a pair of steady spawners of this specie. They are kept at 68º in the winter and as high as 78º in the warmest months. They spawn like clockwork, year round. I currently have over 300 fry as they average 60-70 fry per spawning. I have so many of them that I give 6 to 8 juvies away as freebies in almost every box I ship.

I also have C113's spawning at 76º, which is the current room temperature. I am aware that these fish prefer cooler temps, but I have no way to keep them cooler and they seem to be thriving. I believe that acclimation is the key to success with this specie. Most, actually. - Frank

P.S. Mark (Corybreed) visited my fish room today and got to see what over 300 S. kronei looks like.


Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 20:38
by mutlap

I received the Kronei from your friend Steve in Brooklyn, he states the process just too simply. Corydoras Guapore has spawned for me in the past, simple. I was considering getting a chiller. I want to breed these fish. I am a breeder of other fish and have considered breeding corydoras for the challenge.I enjoy the process and the keeping of fish, the selling comes with success. I love a good challenge. Steve has a nice setup!

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 03 Jul 2009, 21:15
by Coryologist
mutlap wrote:Frank, I received the Kronei from your friend Steve in Brooklyn,
You'll need to be more precise than that. Just as I deal with 5 "Marks" in the NY area, I also deal with 4 Steve's, unless you mean my good buudy Steve in "Brooklyn" Park. lol.
he states the process just too simply.
I cannot tell if you are saying that he, too, states that the process is simple - or he overstate the simplicity of the process. Steve is one of those guys who if he just stares at the fish long enough, they will spawn. If he stated that they are simple to spawn, he is quite correct. Mine spawn regularly. No special food, no fancy-shmanzie water changes. When they're ready, they go, with no assistance from me. lol.
Corydoras Guapore has spawned for me in the past, simple. I was considering getting a chiller. I want to breed these fish. I am a breeder of other fish and have considered breeding corydoras for the challenge.I enjoy the process and the keeping of fish, the selling comes with success. I love a good challenge.
Personally, I would never invest in a chiller. I don't see any need for one. I have come to realize that I am not going to be able to spawn every fish I keep. That's just not realistic and that's fine with me. Some fish are worth keeping just to look at them.
Steve has a nice setup!
I know he has completely redone his set-up. Stick with him. He is a good man and would never steer you wrong. If he tells you something you can take it to the bank. I'm expecting a visit from him, next week, I believe - and I am very much looking forward to it. Regards, Frank

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 00:37
by Taratron
What pH do you usually keep these guys at, to have such frequent spawning, Cory?

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 00:46
by Coryologist
Taratron wrote:What pH do you usually keep these guys at, to have such frequent spawning, Cory?
Almost every tank in my room is pH 7.0 with a temp of 76º and medium-hard well-water. - Frank

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 00:49
by Taratron
Tsk. I need to just stick with my Lake Tangs; I got the water for those, nothing close to 7!

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 02:14
by mutlap

Yes Brooklyn Park, AA County Md. I was born there and he lives very close to my grandmother's house. My tap water is 6.8 - 7.0 out of the tap. Sometimes the effort can get in the way and cause problems. I'll let the chiller Idea go. I bought the fry thinking maybe I would have better luck with them in about nine months. Yes, he overstates the simplicity of the process.
S. Kronei juvenile from Steve in Brooklyn Park
S. Kronei juvenile from Steve in Brooklyn Park
S. Kronei juvenile
S. Kronei juvenile
S. Kronei Juvenile
S. Kronei Juvenile

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 03:02
by Coryologist
Well, honestly, I don't know how you can feel that way. He spawns them, without effort, I spawn them continuously, without effort and I'd be willing to bet that as they approach a year in age, they would do likewise for you. They are just not a difficult fish to spawn. I guess time will tell. :-) - Frank

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 03:43
by mutlap
What I'm trying to say is, doing nothing is best. The effort; all of the water changes, special equipment, special food water temp and other water parameters. Like you said, acclimate the fish to ones environment.

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 05:34
by Coryologist
mutlap wrote:What I'm trying to say is, doing nothing is best. The effort; all of the water changes, special equipment, special food water temp and other water parameters. Like you said, acclimate the fish to ones environment.
Exactly. Let the fish do all the work. :-) - Frank

Re: Stimulating Scleromystax Kronei to spawn

Posted: 04 Jul 2009, 07:32
by jollysue
I bought a small 4 fish breeding group from Frank. They spawned as soon as I put them in the tank and gave them a good feed of black worms. The room is kept chill, below 60 most of the time and as low as 45, but it has high 216 watts on 45L usg, and that generates a lot of heat, so the surface water is in the low to mid 70's when the lights have been on. The pH is above 7.6.

I have been barely keeping up with the maintenance on my tanks and have had to stop getting them black worms this year, but I still see a little newbe rustling around foraging. Awesome fish. Seems very adaptable and happy fellows.

They must be spawning plenty because I don't harvest the eggs and there are some very large SAE in the tank nibbling on everything. But still some are growing strong. I think they may be related to aeneus. Aren't they all?