Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 19:14
Hello everyone!
My name is Devin and I live in Apeldoorn (Netherlands). I'am 13 years old so excuse me if my English is not perfect
I've got 3 tanks.
Tank 1: 30x30x30 with some Caridina cf Breviata and some Anentome Helena
Tank 2: 60x30x40 with 3 Tateurndina Ocellicauda and some young Applesnails
Tank 3: 130x40x40 with 2 L340, 16 Corydoras Similis (I love them ) and Wednesday I'll buy a L134 Tank 3 is a new tank
My name is Devin and I live in Apeldoorn (Netherlands). I'am 13 years old so excuse me if my English is not perfect
I've got 3 tanks.
Tank 1: 30x30x30 with some Caridina cf Breviata and some Anentome Helena
Tank 2: 60x30x40 with 3 Tateurndina Ocellicauda and some young Applesnails
Tank 3: 130x40x40 with 2 L340, 16 Corydoras Similis (I love them ) and Wednesday I'll buy a L134 Tank 3 is a new tank