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Aspidoras ID

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 18:54
by madattiver
I just recently brought in some aspidoras which were supposed to be aspidoras pauciradiatus, but were not. Now I am trying to figure out what they actually are. They have been in the tank now for 10-15 minutes and are settling in fine and their colors are starting to darken. The only thing that is still light is the marking on the dorsil fin. I have included a picture and can take more once they are more settled in if that would help.



Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 23 Jun 2009, 20:31
by madattiver
After some looking around I think it may be C125 or A. spilotus. Any thoughts?

Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 07 Jul 2009, 21:26
by Ironhead
They could be A. albator....give them a few days and send more pics.


Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 23:58
by Coryologist
Hi. I have both. They are A. spilotus. - Frank

Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 20:51
by Ironhead

What are the visual distinguishing factors for these two species ?
I have seen several different fish sold as albator and would like to be able to ID better.
Also, how does A. depinnai fit in this group?

Thanks for your time and help


Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 14 Jul 2009, 21:27
by Coryologist
Ironhead wrote:Frank, What are the visual distinguishing factors for these two species ? I have seen several different fish sold as albator and would like to be able to ID better. Also, how does A. depinnai fit in this group Thanks for your time and help. Mike
Hi Mike,

A. spilotus although nice looking fish, to my eye, are very drab greyish-green. Also, they have 2 miniature gold stripes on the very top of their head. A. albater are extremely shiny with just a few larger body markings. A. depinnai are harder to describe and although I have a very well-conditioned group I do not have a photo. I think if you check Eric Bodrock's web site ( and the Cat-e-log, here, you will find some pics to aid in differentiating the species.

Here is a picture of the A. albater. You can see that they are very recognizable. Hope this helps. - Frank

P.S. Sorry about the name on the image. I do need to change that, when I have time.


Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 21:23
by Ironhead

Thanks for the help. Guess I have spilotus too.
Next time you send RMC fish, how about sending me some A. albater.
I can send a M.O. in advance. I'm down that way couple times a week.
Now that Al's home from the hospital and doing his thing with his fish I get to visit more.
The corys RMC has from you are super nice fish. Those S. kroni are really looking great !!


Re: Aspidoras ID

Posted: 15 Jul 2009, 22:53
by Coryologist
Ironhead wrote:Frank, Thanks for the help. Guess I have spilotus too. Next time you send RMC fish, how about sending me some A. albater. I can send a M.O. in advance. I'm down that way couple times a week. Now that Al's home from the hospital and doing his thing with his fish I get to visit more. The corys RMC has from you are super nice fish. Those S. kroni are really looking great !! Mike
Hi Mike. Sure. Happy to do that. No M.O., though. If you don't have Paypal, give Mark the loot and have him Paypal me. That way it stays in the "fish-kitty," instead of winding up in the "beer-kitty." The A. albaters are nice, but what you really want is a nice proven spawning group of C118's. :-) Cheers. Frank
