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Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 19 Jun 2009, 18:33
by Fleur
My brother has a ten gallon planted fish tank. I'll be visiting him in Northern Virginia next week. His daughter is dying for a catfish, but I am trying to figure out what the best species will be for his tank. At home, in my nano, I have a small shoal of otocinclus. His bioload is low (and likely to stay that way). He has three small neon tetras and might fill out his school. I know that when my niece thinks "catfish" she thinks of a suckermouth, plecostomus type fish. I was considering a bristlenose pleco or something similar. I want to know your recommendations for smaller, algae eating catfish that would do well in a ten gallon. He has a pH of 7.2, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrites, 5ppm Nitrates. I haven't seen circulation yet since I haven't been there to see the tank. It was set up about two months ago. He does regular water changes. He has plants, and I am bringing him some pre-boiled driftwood to add. I plan to boil it again once I get there to help waterlog it and to sterilize it.

Currently, he scrapes algae off the glass at every water change (every 2nd or 3rd week) and checks his water chemistry regularly. The tank has completed its cycle, but he needs to fill out the bioload so that he can maintain a good amount of beneficial bacteria.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated!

Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 19 Jun 2009, 19:50
by Haavard Stoere
The only algae eating fish I can think of that would be appropriate for a 10 gallon are otocinclus species ... enus_id=49. Bristlenoses grows to big.

Water quality needs to be good to maintain otos.

Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 19 Jun 2009, 20:43
by MatsP
If you can find them, would work well - and they are a fair bit hardier than any and are not required to live in a big bunch either. Oto's are much better to keep in a group of at the very least 5 fish.


Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 20 Jun 2009, 02:44
by L number Banana

Just checking a couple ideas but will have to see what the more experienced members think of my suggestions.
Clown Pleco, ? It may be too nocturnal to be enjoyed though.
Twig catfish don't take up much 'space' and are 'cool'. They also love plants and eat lots of algae.

Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 21 Jun 2009, 10:13
by MatsP
L number Banana wrote:Hello,

Just checking a couple ideas but will have to see what the more experienced members think of my suggestions.
Clown Pleco, ? It may be too nocturnal to be enjoyed though.
Not a good algae eater. And would require quite frequent cleaning of such a small tank, if appropriate levels of food (wood) supplied.
Twig catfish don't take up much 'space' and are 'cool'. They also love plants and eat lots of algae.
That is indeed a good suggestion.


Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 21 Jun 2009, 21:48
by Fleur
The Farlowella vittata are thin, but they get super long. Will they be alright in a 10 gallon? I know my brother keeps on his water quality. He tests and does regular water changes...

I have otos in my 8 gallon, and they're really thriving, but I had my tank well established with mature algae growth when I got them. I haven't seen his tank to judge whether he could support an otocinclus shoal... my shoal is only four fish, but they've been doing extremely well for quite some time.

Thanks! I'll keep checking on this post regularly.


Re: Need help choosing an appropriate fish...

Posted: 22 Jun 2009, 09:41
by MatsP
Farlowella are very docile fish, and whilst they are long, they do not really need that much space. I would probably recommend them in a slightly bigger tank, but they are certainly a better choice in a 10g tank than many other long fish.
