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Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 13:36
by JoeCool
Hi All,

Just thought I would say hey.

I'm from the Republic of Ireland, 27. I have just finished my B.A. in History and currently scraping by as a bouncer in this resession ravaged country! :roll:

I'm just getting back into fishkeeping after a few years break. I have a 32gal(US) SA tanks that has tiger barbs in it at the mo. I have been a huge fan of catfish for many years, although I have never had the tank to keep the ones I really like; black lancer, Red tail, ect. I'm looking to get a catfish for the 32gal, thought I made a thread alreday, but cant seem to find it now??? Anyhow, I'll make it again....

Yup, thats it, just wanted to say hey!

Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 14:20
by MatsP
I have a fairly distinct memory of moving a post like that into Speak Easy or Tank Talk from "ID my catfish" which clearly wasn't the right place. But it seems to have gone now. Not sure what happened - if I made some mistake I do appologise.

SA -> South American? Tiger barbs -> Asia!

As to what catfish would be suitable - there are probably about 500 species in the Cat-eLog that would fit in a tank that is around 90 liter. Some would be good candidates to mix with tiger-barbs. Many wouldn't - tiger barbs are well-known for their fin-nipping, particularly if you don't keep a lot of them in one group.

You probably have to narrow it down a little bit as to what you want - and no, saying "Not cory and not pleco" will not really help. Give us a few ideas of what you like.

If you have no idea, use the Cat-eLog search engine to look for fish that match the size (whichever is shorter of 1/4 of the long side of the tank, 1/2 the shortest side of the tank would be a good starting point) and temperature (if you keep the tank temperature stable, input the same for minimum and maximum - the wider range, the fewer fish you get out of it). If you sort the list by "hits", you will get the most popular -> most commonly available [almost always], and thus get some idea of how hard/easy it will be to get one.


Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 16:53
by Jools
Welcome along Joe,


Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 21:21
by Daragh
Tá mé go matih, go raibh maith agat.

And sadly that is about as far as my Irish goes, I thought I was seeing things when I saw the title on this thread.

Anyway welcome to the forum, it's THE place to come for catfish info. I don't get to be here as often as I would like but I used to spend hours reading about all the L numbers and corys, now I spend hours looking after all the L numbers and corys :)


Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 14 Jun 2009, 22:19
by andywoolloo
Welcome! When someone of my past ancesters came here they keep the O' at ellis island and I 've had a hard time picking up my presciptions or photos at stores ever since! LOL rofl lmao one can figure out where they filed your stuff when your last name is an O' name. :lol:

Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 15 Jun 2009, 08:39
by Richard B
Welcome to Planet Catfish :D

Re: Conas a tá tu?

Posted: 11 Jul 2009, 01:41
by JoeCool
Thanks for the warm welcom lads! :D