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New Cory needs help

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 16:49
by jo o
I have been given three small Bronze Corys,
I noticed one of them has very reddish pink barbells on the left side.
Could this little fish have an injury or infection?
I didn't want to take any pics tonight as they got stressed out being caught by the previous owner,
who is new to fish.
He got them thinking they would do the same job as BNs and just lost interest in them when they didn't do what he thought they would.
What can I do to help sooth this poor little guys face?
I noticed the imflamation on him before he was baged up and some of the other fish in the tank looked clamped.
I have them in quarantine.

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 03 Jun 2009, 16:53
by MatsP
Difficult to say, but yes, it does sound like some sort of inflamation. Possibly caused by bad water conditions (ammonia, nitrite or nitrate)


Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 12:35
by jo o
This is the one I was talking about yesterday,
the colour looks more central now it could be a cut.
I have posted this is pic, as this one seems very unhappy.(below)
Is this ones mouth Ok it looks a bit odd to me?
The 3 of them aren't acting the way healthy Corys should.
They are very slow not interested in black worms and just look sad

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 04 Jun 2009, 13:01
by MatsP
Sadly, I can't really suggest anything beyond a good deal of water changing to keep the water in top condition and general TLC.


Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 10 Jun 2009, 12:34
by jo o
I am very happy to say that the colour is returning in theses guys barbells,
and they have started to do more Cory like things.
One is not doing as well as these two.
I will keep doing the water changes, I have stoped useing Meds
Cory number one
this the second Cory
the third Cory stays by its self and half the time I can't find it

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 27 Jun 2009, 14:39
by jo o
I am very pleased to say that all three are doing so well that,
I found two Kits today :D
they are still in the quarantine tank.
I so happy that they are happy.
I didn't dream that they would try and breed in a 15 inch tank.
The adults are still very shy, the Kits are out and about all the time.

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 28 Jun 2009, 16:30
by JoeO
jo o wrote:I am very pleased to say that all three are doing so well that,
I found two Kits today :D
they are still in the quarantine tank.
I so happy that they are happy.
I didn't dream that they would try and breed in a 15 inch tank.
The adults are still very shy, the Kits are out and about all the time.
That is great! You did an excellent job. In 3 weeks you took them from sick to breeding condition.

It would be great if you could take some pictures of their barbels to shown how much they have regrown, if at all. Some people have written that they do not grow back and others have written that they do.


Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 06:46
by jo o
Thank you JoeO :)
I will try to get some pics of them,
I have found that the parents have become more recluse.
I hope they will get used to me and not hide so much.
My albinos are always around looking for food.
Is it true that the albinos dint see as well thats why they just hang around?

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 29 Jun 2009, 13:26
by jo o
I got some pics :D
it looks to me that they have grown all their barbels and snout back :thumbsup:
and the two babies they look like there are from two differant spawns

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 05:05
by JoeO
Wow jo o. Great job. You have answered the question. "Yes, cories can fully grow back their barbels if kept in the proper environment."

Excellent, and thanks for the pictures.

Joe O

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 06:30
by apistomaster
Wheter or not Corydoras may regrow their babels depend upon whether or not the damge exceeds to the point there is no barbel tissue left at the base, Clearly these fish retained enough barbels and not extensive enough to go beyond the point of no return. Still it is always nice to see them make a full recovery.

Re: New Cory needs help

Posted: 30 Jun 2009, 07:56
by jo o
I have also found a few more Kits around the tank,
fingers crossed they will make it adulthood.