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Checking options: Wanted Small cories and any Brochis AK USA

Posted: 01 Jun 2009, 03:31
by AlaskanCorydoras
A friend and I are each considering starting up an exclusive Corydoras/brochis tank. He's a huge admirer of my 90 gallon rainbow tank, which has a herd of 10 assorted brochis in it. Now, there's a reason I have the name I do. I'm a huge fan of the Cory family, and am always looking at increasing my ranks. Lately I've been admiring the daintier corydoras, and as such I'm looking for anyone willing to ship these to alaska:
Habrosus (I know, should be easy)
Cw009 (Green Laser Cory)
Cw010 (Gold Laser Cory)

As for Brochis, any will do. . . I suspect my rainbow has a mix of Splendens and Multiradus, but Brian'd be happy with any, assuming they're as sociable as mine.

Also of interest would be good prices on Pandas. I have 10 pandas in my 55 gallon, (4 born in my breeder tank!) and brian is fascinated by the squirmy little guys.

So if anyone has multiples of the above species, get in touch?