L144 crossbreeding

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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L144 crossbreeding

Post by toddnbecka »

I just picked up a juvie L144, and was wondering if it needs to be kept separate from common BN's when it matures?
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Re: L144 crossbreeding

Post by bristlenosekid »

i seperated my different bn after i found that they had spawned. my common bn with my lda 16.
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Re: L144 crossbreeding

Post by MatsP »

bristlenosekid wrote:i seperated my different bn after i found that they had spawned. my common bn with my lda 16.
And as I stated elsewhere, I do beleive both your fish are , as they are often sold as LDA16 - whilst LDA16 is EXTREMELY rare in the trade - I have never seen a genuine LDA16 even in picture other than the ones in Aqualog/DATZ (and copies of those pictures) and PlanetCatfish.

L144 in the US are most likely another colour morph of .

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Re: L144 crossbreeding

Post by sunfish »

While I agree that it is extremely hard (not to say impossible) to get LDA16 "on purpose" it is possible to get them as contaminants in shipments of common BNs. The juveniles look almost identical. This is how I got mine.
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