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Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 02 May 2009, 19:29
by Jørn Kåsa
We are 3 boys thats leaving for Iquitos 15 August.We return 8 September.The boys are Håvard Støre, Ronny Thomassen and myself. I was thinking that we could start this thread now and give you some informasjon and pictures from earlier trips. Of course we will also write in this thread when we are in Iquitos.


PS:It is wherry hard for me to wright,so sorry for my english.
How do i put photos in her?

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 02 May 2009, 21:53
by Haavard Stoere
Whatever :wink: Your daughter will help you :D

This is Jørn... He is my best friend, and is he is the absolute authority in Norway when it comes to arranging trips to South America. He is also a great fishkeeper.

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 10:31
by DutchFry
this is so cool!

can i come with you guys? :D

please keep us informed about the trip! it really is a dream for me to go on a collecting trip to South America!

have fun there and make lots of pictures!!

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 11:09
by Jools
Have a great trip guys - wish me and my nets were going with you. Look forward to hearing all about it at the end of the year.


Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 13:12
by Haavard Stoere
I am relly looking forward to this trip. I have never been outside Europe.

So... lets continue with this small introduction.. This is Ronny Thomassen. A really hardcore fishkeeper. The pictures are from his Peru trip in 2005:

Ronny eating a shovelnose.... :twisted: Looks like a or something similar:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 13:39
by sidguppy
do some groundbreaking stuff, will you?

look for catfishes beyond pleco's, cory's or pims.......

it would be mindboggling to see a few Trychomycterids in the pics, or Astroblephus or Cetopsidae and on and on

have a great time! :thumbsup:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 13:58
by Haavard Stoere
We will catch and photograph a lot of different oddballs, not only loricarids, pims and corys.

The fish we prioritize to take home will be based on personal preferences. We are not scientists :)

Among other things I wish to bring home a group of
I am not into whiptails, but this is a spectacular looking fish:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 14:28
by Richard B
Hope you have a terrific time & look forward to many updates :D :thumbsup:

You could bring me back half a dozen Astroblepus if you have the room!!! :wink:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 19:31
by Haavard Stoere
Richard B wrote: You could bring me back half a dozen Astroblepus if you have the room!!! :wink:
Cool genus!
I have never seen them before. What do they eat? Are they rare in the trade?

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 19:39
by Richard B
I have never encountered these in 30+ years of keeping fish so they must be quite scare! :wink: They are a cool water species inhabiting rapids & waterfalls,eating small aquatic invertebrates & i understand they don't travel well (in the traditional sense: packing, numbers per box etc)

there are many different species & i think they all are fantastic, but sadly i think i'll struggle to get hold of any. :(

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 20:02
by Haavard Stoere
lives in one of the riversystems we will be visiting. Maybe we get lucky :wink:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 03 May 2009, 20:32
by Richard B
Haavard Stoere wrote: lives in one of the riversystems we will be visiting. Maybe we get lucky :wink:
It would be cool if you do :thumbsup:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 12:21
by Jørn Kåsa
The photos of me are from Rio Huallaga.It is an amasing river for catfish(catfishheaven).I will show you more photos from this river.We was fare up and the fishermen was scerd of gunmen.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 12:28
by Jørn Kåsa
The last picture was of L-350.Her is Otocinclus sp "White" and Corydoras Orcesi.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 12:44
by Richard B
Terrific species & photos :thumbsup:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 13:14
by Jørn Kåsa
More from my favorite river,Rio Huallaga.We ofen cats fish by hand.Her we cats an "Galaxi"





Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 13:19
by Jørn Kåsa
The L.Filamentosus is also from Rio Huallaga.The photos of Ronny is from Rio Nanay.I will com bach to that river later.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 13:38
by Richard B
Even though most SA cats are not really my thing, i can't help but feel really quite jealous of the whole experience you're having :(

Keep up the great updates! :thumbsup:

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 05 May 2009, 13:40
by jimoo
Looks like an awesome time. Keep posting pics! (herps to if you come across any!)

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 08 May 2009, 12:38
by Jørn Kåsa
Some more photos from Rio Huallaga.I hold a Laciancistrus and in the box is it some panque.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 11 May 2009, 14:37
by Jørn Kåsa
I look verry mutsh forward to see Håvards photo from Peru.Me and Ronnys photo is ok,but not more than that.We try to learn Håvard how to catsh plecos in my big tank.Photo from that leater.
Far up is Huallaga a verry fast river and it is verry hard to catsh fish her.One hand for your self and one for fishing.
Some time we it turtel eggs,but i think they are to fat.
Ronny has a bad day so he yus a jungelengine.




Pacaya Samira

Posted: 14 May 2009, 23:23
by Jørn Kåsa
It is a very very nice place.Her you have Pink Dolfin,Arapaima,Oters and tousens of birds.We stay for 5 days at Dorado Lake.This was very far from the sivilation and we eat only what we catsh(or the indians).Caiman,Arowana,Arapaima,birds,big Plecos and so on.I fish very littel there,because I had to operat a 3 year old boy the first day,and stay with him most of the time.He was taken by a big Caiman but his father rescu him from the Caimans mouth
It was great to catsh Arapaima and big Arowanas while the pink dolfin swim among us.
Her is some of the fish we found.
Satanoperca sp.
Hoplias malabaricus
Perichthys peruno
Pseudodoras niger
Platydoras costatus
Amblydoras hancockii
Corydoras elegans
Corydoras leucomelas
Crenicichla sp.
Ancistrus sp.
Hypoptopoma sp.
Rineloricaria sp.
Glyptoperichthys multiradiatus
Brochis splendens
Aequidens sp.
Dianema longibarbis
Arapaima gigas
Osteoglossum bichirosum
Parancistrus sp.
Oligancisrus sp LDA47
Apistogramma sp.
Mesonauta festivum
Bujourquina sp.
Ancestorynchus sp.
Brachyplatystoma sp.
Sorubim lima
Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum
Hoplias malabaricus


Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 15 May 2009, 00:30
by Jørn Kåsa
We yus 2 days in to Dorado,but flay out.It was amasing to flay over the Amasonas in a smal earplain.The photos are from Dorado lake.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 15 May 2009, 06:10
by hiplecoman
Wow! the L90 Panaque are awesome! I have never seen them as wide as those in the picture. I hope you have continued success on you trip.

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 15 May 2009, 08:00
by Jools
Enjoying the updates chaps, I've attached a map of the area. Feel free to download it and add arrows etc if you wish to explain where you are!



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 16 May 2009, 04:18
by Rohan Richardson
Looks like you guys are going to have a great time (extremely jealous). Any photo's you take will go a long way on bio-tope as a bonus and if you record water samples in addition to the time of year everyone will love you for it. Have a ball fellas i just wish i could join you (although i'm a xingu river person). I'm almost surprised you didn't get Ingo to come along. Best of luck! Rohan R

Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 16 May 2009, 05:52
by hiplecoman
hiplecoman wrote:Wow! the L90 Panaque are awesome! I have never seen them as wide as those in the picture. I hope you have continued success on you trip.
The shamper green royals are superb!

Maps of the rivers.

Posted: 16 May 2009, 11:57
by Jørn Kåsa
If you jus this maps together with julians you may find out where we has been.



Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 16 May 2009, 12:04
by Jørn Kåsa
On the last map(bottown) you can see Pacaya Samira betwin Rio Maranon og Rio Ucayali.That is wher Rio Amazonas start.(photo)


Re: Peru/Colombia 2009

Posted: 16 May 2009, 17:04
by EliWhitney314
incredible! I hope I can do that some day soon.