Newbee - please help
Posted: 25 Apr 2009, 20:18
I'm completely new to Tropical fish keeping and could do with some help please. I have two little people who will be very sad if all the fish die as soon as we put them in the tank.
We are planing to buy a Fluval Roma 200 or a Juwel Rio 180 – I haven't found out if one is better than the other – advice welcome. We are hoping to be able to use the equipment that comes with the tank but think we may need an extra external filter as well – read on.
We want to stock the tank with catfish and Malawi Cichlids. The reason behind this is that my son really likes catfish – he wanted to put a catfish in our pond! I have done some research a found Malawi Cichlids go well with catfish. Is this too ambitious for a beginner?
I have also read that we need to stock the tank well so to avoid aggressive behaviour from the Cichlids. Hence why I think I may need an external filter – though I'd prefer to avoid this if possible.
Can we have a mixture of catfish – leopard, bristle nose and clown – just standard species nothing specialised. If so how many of each and what order should we introduce to the tank. We will be buying mostly small ones so the grow into the tank.
Also if poss can someone recommend how many Cichlids would be enough so they don't fight but we can maybe avoid an external filter. We will hopefully buy the cichlids all together from an existing community in a shop so they have all been together for a while anyway.
All suggestions welcome – if I'm totally off the mark regarding my expectations of my tank please push me in the right direction though I've sort of got my heart set on catfish and cichlids now but there no point if they all die after a couple of weeks or start eating each other in the night!
I'm completely new to Tropical fish keeping and could do with some help please. I have two little people who will be very sad if all the fish die as soon as we put them in the tank.
We are planing to buy a Fluval Roma 200 or a Juwel Rio 180 – I haven't found out if one is better than the other – advice welcome. We are hoping to be able to use the equipment that comes with the tank but think we may need an extra external filter as well – read on.
We want to stock the tank with catfish and Malawi Cichlids. The reason behind this is that my son really likes catfish – he wanted to put a catfish in our pond! I have done some research a found Malawi Cichlids go well with catfish. Is this too ambitious for a beginner?
I have also read that we need to stock the tank well so to avoid aggressive behaviour from the Cichlids. Hence why I think I may need an external filter – though I'd prefer to avoid this if possible.
Can we have a mixture of catfish – leopard, bristle nose and clown – just standard species nothing specialised. If so how many of each and what order should we introduce to the tank. We will be buying mostly small ones so the grow into the tank.
Also if poss can someone recommend how many Cichlids would be enough so they don't fight but we can maybe avoid an external filter. We will hopefully buy the cichlids all together from an existing community in a shop so they have all been together for a while anyway.
All suggestions welcome – if I'm totally off the mark regarding my expectations of my tank please push me in the right direction though I've sort of got my heart set on catfish and cichlids now but there no point if they all die after a couple of weeks or start eating each other in the night!