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Feeding Guide help For SA red tail catfish

Posted: 23 Apr 2009, 16:24
by crazx86
i need urgnt help!! :x

How should i go about feeding my RTC..?? He/She is 3" now. but hardly seen it eatig much. could someone give me a few tips and the food i should offer & encourage it to eat..??


Re: Feeding Guide help For SA red tail catfish

Posted: 01 May 2009, 22:09
by Richard B
At that size,frozen live foods, small earthworms (or pieces of larger ones) pieces of prawn, shrimp or shellfish, watch the water quality though as some of these can affect to water over a short space of time. maybe sinking earthworm sticks, krill sticks, carnivore pellets could be considered as well.