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seaching for long finned cories

Posted: 27 Mar 2009, 23:35
by 870critters
Hi, I'm searching the United States for Long finned corydoras. I would like to buy a small group, but have not been able to find any breeders. I would appreciate any contacts you might have. Thanks a bunch.

[Mod edit: Moved to correct forum --Mats]

Re: seaching for long finned cories

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 00:45
by apistomaster
I have seen the selectively bred long finned mutation of Cordoras panda offered occasionally by
They are the only long finned varieties I know of not counting the naturally occurring Scleromastyx spp that looks very like a longer finned Corydoras paleatus.

Re: seaching for long finned cories

Posted: 28 Mar 2009, 01:59
by 870critters
Thank you!! I will contact them to see if they have any.

Re: seaching for long finned cories

Posted: 30 Mar 2009, 01:20
by Taratron
Before you order with anyone online, I've found it helpful to check out their Aquabid postings. Coryrus does not quite have a good feedback, and while I've been very tempted to order from him, the complaints and warnings I've heard turn me away. I have found some good sellers of longfin paletus on AB (Wetspotx is one, I believe), and if you are looking for longfin pandas, check out, it is a plant website, but polardbear, one of the mods there, breeds long fin pandas, among other interesting cories, for very good prices.