Science News: Akysidae - Akysis microps
Posted: 28 Jul 2003, 15:40
Synopsis by Shane Linder
Ng Heok Hee and Tan Heok Hui have recently described Akysis microps from the Endau drainage of Peninsular Malaysia. This tiny (the holotype measures 27.8 mm or about one inch) catfish was found amongst patches of Cryptocoryne affinis in a large stream with a sandy bottom. The water was tea-colored with a neutral pH and a moderate current. Also found with this species were Akysis hendricksoni,Leiocassis micropogon, Pseudomystus fuscus, P. stenomus, a Glyptothorax species, the eel Mastacembelus favus, and the kuhlii loach (Pangio kuhlii). A colour photo is included in the description of this attractive little catfish.
Reference: Ng H. H. & H. H. Tan. 1999. The fishes of the Endau drainage, Peninsular Malaysia with descriptions of two new species of catfishes (Teleostei: Akysidae, Bagridae). Zoological Studies 38(3): 350-366.
Ng Heok Hee and Tan Heok Hui have recently described Akysis microps from the Endau drainage of Peninsular Malaysia. This tiny (the holotype measures 27.8 mm or about one inch) catfish was found amongst patches of Cryptocoryne affinis in a large stream with a sandy bottom. The water was tea-colored with a neutral pH and a moderate current. Also found with this species were Akysis hendricksoni,Leiocassis micropogon, Pseudomystus fuscus, P. stenomus, a Glyptothorax species, the eel Mastacembelus favus, and the kuhlii loach (Pangio kuhlii). A colour photo is included in the description of this attractive little catfish.
Reference: Ng H. H. & H. H. Tan. 1999. The fishes of the Endau drainage, Peninsular Malaysia with descriptions of two new species of catfishes (Teleostei: Akysidae, Bagridae). Zoological Studies 38(3): 350-366.