
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by catfishcrazy »

How big does the M.tigrinus get? I have been given conflicting info on the size and behaviour of this fish everywhere i have asked.Some people say it will only grow to around 24" and that 18-20 is more likely in captivity and others say that it will reach similar sizes to that of the tiger shovelnose,40" plus.
Also if the first size is correct (18-20") what size would tankmates have to be to avoid being eaten?
The reason i ask is that i may have the chance to purchase one of these gorgeous fish at what im told will be a reasonable price (dont know how much yet and im not holding my breath either),they will only be 2" fish.
I currently have a 12" S.lima that is housed with some large bala sharks and satanoperca as well as various other cats,would the tigrinus be a OK tankmate or is this just another opportunity ill have to pass on
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Post by Silurus »

Merodontodus tigrinus only reaches 20" (fork length) in the wild.
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Post by catfishcrazy »

So would i be right in presuming that this fish would be able to be kept with the same size tank as a S.lima and with the same size tankmates? Or is the fish more predatory/has a bigger mouth?
Would it be unwise to keep a tigrinus with a lima or would they get on OK? They would be a in a 6 foot by 30" tank with a 170 gallon capacity.

Cheers Dean
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Post by Kenneth Wong »

Hi Dean,

From what I know they probably can grow to 3 feet in the wild. I personally have kept one that was 28 inches. I purchased it at that size. I believe there is a picture of mine in the photo section. It was kept in a 180 gallon( 2 ft X 2ft X 6ft).

In captivity I'm not sure what size they can grow to but I'll find out in a few years. I currently have two, and one is older than the other by one year. the larger is 14 inches and the smaller is 8 inches. The 28 inch one I had died several years ago due to a sudden pH crash while I was on vacation.
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Post by katfishguy »

I too think they can reach 30"+ in the wild,, I have one that is 20" not including the tail.
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