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who is the bully

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 04:01
by softak
I have 3ft tank with:

2 L104(Male and female 2 years old),
2 suppose to be L66 from this thread: ... hp?t=70648 (1+ year old)
2 Rainbow Bosemani (male+ female 1+ year old)
several cardinal tetras and approx 20 corydoras.
several endlers guppy

Today I found male L66 covered with blood and for last month I've lost 3 pictus catfish (all of them had blood and wounds ) and some other fish.
Question: who is the bully? male L104?

PS: Looks like, L104 had some eggs a week ago, but I can not find any alive fry in the tank.

Mod edit: Fix URL. --Mats

Re: who is the bully

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 09:52
by MatsP
I don't know what's going on in your tank, but I suspect L104 is not the culprit. I'm not sure who is - perhaps L066, but I would expect a Pimelodus pictus o get away from any Loricariidae.

Sorry to hear that you lost the eggs from your P. maccus - I have also had eggs but no fry.


Re: who is the bully

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 12:27
by Gordon C. Snelling
I would actually be looking at the rainbows, some of them can be brutal on other fish.

Re: who is the bully

Posted: 15 Jan 2009, 12:35
by Richard B
Of the fish you mention none are known bullies. Mats is right that pictus should escape from threats (apart from some cichlids maybe). I can only agree that there may be some aggression between the plecs but that doesn't explain the pictus :?

Have you a photo? There is a vague possibility it is some sort of bacterial infection

Rainbows can be a funny fish with certain others but are not equipped to do damage to armoured cats