also has a black spot on the adipose in juveniles, so it could be either.
No adult size given for the S.acicularis, but based on the sizes of the other members of this species (60-70"), I'd agree with Chrysichthys.
We see them here in the UK every once in a while (Wharf have/had them recently [Aor] which was slightly diiferent so i think this may be S.acicularis).
Burmese catfish is a bit vague i have seen this name used for Batasio which is very different
Lou: Every young man's fantasy is to have a three-way. Jacob: Yeah not with another fu**!ng guy! Lou: It's still a three-way!
The Sperata I have unfortunately ended up with was described in the shops as a "Burmese Shovelnose". I think mine is an Aor which makes sense if they have recently been imported to the UK.
actually, they named it burmese eyespot catfish. strange isn't it? i don't know how they came up with that name. anyway, anyone has an idea how much this sells in the market?
The only time I have seen them in a shop they weren't too expensive, maybe £20 or so. You have to remember, due to their massive eventual size, that they are not at all suitable for the vast majority of fishkeepers tanks so the demand for them would be pretty low and this is reflected in the price.